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109 Results found for brhs

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Beaufort County Commissioners voted 5 to 2 to bequeath its public hospital to University Health Systems.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers deal with the emotional and physical challenges associated with having cancer.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers deal with the emotional and physical challenges associated with having cancer.
Tickets are now on sale for the 5th Shaggin' for a Cause!
Tickets are now on sale for the 5th Shaggin' for a Cause!
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center, a division of Beaufort Regional Health System, provides medical services in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and blood disorders.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center, a division of Beaufort Regional Health System, provides medical services in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and blood disorders.
Eight hospitals in eastern Carolina marked the "birthday" of Vidant Health by unveiling new signs today.
Eight hospitals in eastern Carolina marked the "birthday" of Vidant Health by unveiling new signs today.
Members of the East Carolina Health, Inc. Board of Directors have appointed eight people to the University Health Systems Beaufort Hospital Directors' Council.
Members of the East Carolina Health, Inc. Board of Directors have appointed eight people to the University Health Systems Beaufort Hospital Directors' Council.
Washington Montessori students contribute a bounty of hand-made baby blankets to labor and delivery at Beaufort County Hospital.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month - the month dedicated to educating women about breast cancer by stressing the importance of early detection through regular self-breast exams and mammography.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month - the month dedicated to educating women about breast cancer by stressing the importance of early detection through regular self-breast exams and mammography.
Dr. Thomas Andrews and the staff of OB/GYN of Washington are pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Allan Boruszak to their practice.
Dr. Thomas Andrews and the staff of OB/GYN of Washington are pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Allan Boruszak to their practice.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center in conjunction with the Shepard Cancer Foundation is hosting an educational session on Tuesday, September 20th at 6:00 p.m. in the Education Department at University Health Systems Beaufort Hospital.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center in conjunction with the Shepard Cancer Foundation is hosting an educational session on Tuesday, September 20th at 6:00 p.m. in the Education Department at University Health Systems Beaufort Hospital.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center will host its educational series Healthy Living with Cancer beginning Tuesday, September 13th.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center will host its educational series Healthy Living with Cancer beginning Tuesday, September 13th.
The hospital boards voted today to convey the health system, including the hospital to University Health Systems under terms UHS dictated on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.
The hospital boards voted today to convey the health system, including the hospital to University Health Systems under terms UHS dictated on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.
Betty Murphy, our Chief Researcher, has done an analysis of the "final" hospital documents and the original Letter of Intent. She filed this report:
Betty Murphy, our Chief Researcher, has done an analysis of the "final" hospital documents and the original Letter of Intent. She filed this report:
Have you ever wondered why it seems that Beaufort County is almost always behind other counties?
Have you ever wondered why it seems that Beaufort County is almost always behind other counties?
The Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners are negotiating the Probable Lease / Sell (actually a give-away to UHS) of Beaufort County's Hospital. (update)
The Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners are negotiating the Probable Lease / Sell (actually a give-away to UHS) of Beaufort County's Hospital. (update)
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Beaufort Regional Health System shall hold its regularly scheduled meeting beginning at Noon on Thursday, August 25, 2011.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Beaufort Regional Health System shall hold its regularly scheduled meeting beginning at Noon on Thursday, August 25, 2011.
The Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners are negotiating the Probable Lease / Sell (actually a give-away to UHS) of Beaufort County's Hospital.
The Beaufort County Board of County Commissioners are negotiating the Probable Lease / Sell (actually a give-away to UHS) of Beaufort County's Hospital.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
Beaufort County Medical Center was recently recognized with an Excellence through Insight award for "Overall Outpatient Satisfaction" for small hospitals by HealthStream Research, the research business group of HealthStream, Inc.
Beaufort County Medical Center was recently recognized with an Excellence through Insight award for "Overall Outpatient Satisfaction" for small hospitals by HealthStream Research, the research business group of HealthStream, Inc.
Beaufort County Medical Center recently received rocker gliders for patient rooms in the Women's Services department through donations made to the Hospital's Lights of Love fund and through a special donation from Eastern Radiologists.
Beaufort County Medical Center recently received rocker gliders for patient rooms in the Women's Services department through donations made to the Hospital's Lights of Love fund and through a special donation from Eastern Radiologists.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
It´s that time of year. Non-profits throughout the country are filing their IRS form 990´s, with one exception locally - Beaufort County Hospital Association.
It´s that time of year. Non-profits throughout the country are filing their IRS form 990´s, with one exception locally - Beaufort County Hospital Association.
The event, sponsored by the Shepard Cancer Foundation, is a local celebration of National Cancer Survivors Day, which is held each year in many communities around the world.
The event, sponsored by the Shepard Cancer Foundation, is a local celebration of National Cancer Survivors Day, which is held each year in many communities around the world.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center in conjunction with the Shepard Cancer Foundation is hosting a Skin Cancer Prevention educational session on Tuesday, May 17th at 6:00 pm.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center in conjunction with the Shepard Cancer Foundation is hosting a Skin Cancer Prevention educational session on Tuesday, May 17th at 6:00 pm.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center offers a variety of special programs and activities to help cancer patients, survivors as well as their primary caregivers.
Dr. Jennie Crews and Dr. John Inzerillo of the Cancer Center will be joined by other physicians in the region and will examine areas of concern as well as offer skin cancer education.
Dr. Jennie Crews and Dr. John Inzerillo of the Cancer Center will be joined by other physicians in the region and will examine areas of concern as well as offer skin cancer education.
What is the Sunshine Law? Every State has a Sunshine Law that provides public access to public records, public meeting minutes, and open meetings.
What is the Sunshine Law? Every State has a Sunshine Law that provides public access to public records, public meeting minutes, and open meetings.
The Beaufort Regional Health System may have more problems on its hands than we have yet been told about.
University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina (UHS) has reduced its offer to take over Beaufort Regional Health Systems (BRHS).
University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina (UHS) has reduced its offer to take over Beaufort Regional Health Systems (BRHS).
The Cancer Center's vision is to provide integrative therapies that complement traditional care at no cost to the participant.
The Cancer Center's vision is to provide integrative therapies that complement traditional care at no cost to the participant.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center will host its educational series Healthy Living with Cancer beginning Thursday, April 7th.
The Marion L. Shepard Cancer Center will host its educational series Healthy Living with Cancer beginning Thursday, April 7th.
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