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26 Results found for freshman orientation

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A five-year-old program aims to teach students to argue without rancor.
While college campuses are obsessing over “safe spaces” and diversity, equity, and inclusion, one professor noticed that students are becoming less happy and much angrier.
While college campuses are obsessing over “safe spaces” and diversity, equity, and inclusion, one professor noticed that students are becoming less happy and much angrier.
Comedian Bill Maher blasted woke revolutionaries who think they can change human nature during his show Friday, drawing parallels between the woke movement in the U.S. and the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
Comedian Bill Maher blasted woke revolutionaries who think they can change human nature during his show Friday, drawing parallels between the woke movement in the U.S. and the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
The Martin Center staff share our hopes for the new year.
If loan dollars are to flow, borrowers should be made to understand the terms.
It has been two months since the start of the Fall semester at UNC-Chapel Hill. In those two months, four students have died by suicide on campus.
It has been two months since the start of the Fall semester at UNC-Chapel Hill. In those two months, four students have died by suicide on campus.
Conservative thinkers are mostly united on the need for reforming the American college system, but they’re divided on how to do it. It can be hard to pin down, exactly, what is to be done, as the Martin Center has previously reported.
Conservative thinkers are mostly united on the need for reforming the American college system, but they’re divided on how to do it. It can be hard to pin down, exactly, what is to be done, as the Martin Center has previously reported.
About two years ago, I spoke to a class of UNC-Chapel Hill students about free speech: what it is and why it is important.
About two years ago, I spoke to a class of UNC-Chapel Hill students about free speech: what it is and why it is important.
East Carolina senior defensive lineman Alex Turner has been named among 30 candidates vying for the 2019 Senior CLASS Award in college football.
East Carolina senior defensive lineman Alex Turner has been named among 30 candidates vying for the 2019 Senior CLASS Award in college football.
An important new front in the culture war has opened up at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, one with major implications about intellectual diversity and how universities in North Carolina are to be governed.
An important new front in the culture war has opened up at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, one with major implications about intellectual diversity and how universities in North Carolina are to be governed.
Campus protests started in the 1960s, but protests on today’s college campuses have a different vibe. While protests in the past pitted students against university leadership, protests in the present are supported and accommodated by presidents and administrators.
Campus protests started in the 1960s, but protests on today’s college campuses have a different vibe. While protests in the past pitted students against university leadership, protests in the present are supported and accommodated by presidents and administrators.
In March, Helen Pluckrose and James A. Lindsay penned “A Principled Defense of the University” for Areo.
The Rev. Mark Harris has thrown in the towel on his hopes of going to Congress. He called for a new election in the 9th U.S. Congressional District as evidence mounted of election fraud in Bladen County during the 2018 election.
The Rev. Mark Harris has thrown in the towel on his hopes of going to Congress. He called for a new election in the 9th U.S. Congressional District as evidence mounted of election fraud in Bladen County during the 2018 election.
In 2017, the North Carolina legislature passed House Bill 527 (now State Law 2017-196) in order to foster free, open inquiry in the state's colleges and universities
In 2017, the North Carolina legislature passed House Bill 527 (now State Law 2017-196) in order to foster free, open inquiry in the state's colleges and universities
First, I want to express my gratitude to Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest and his staff, the General Assembly, and the people of the state for the passage of House Bill 527
First, I want to express my gratitude to Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest and his staff, the General Assembly, and the people of the state for the passage of House Bill 527
The University of North Carolina Board of Governors could weigh in as early as this week on a state law requiring college campuses to protect free speech
The University of North Carolina Board of Governors could weigh in as early as this week on a state law requiring college campuses to protect free speech
Shortly after I moved to North Carolina in 2015, I learned about a dual-enrollment program for students to attend high school and Wake Technical Community College simultaneously
Shortly after I moved to North Carolina in 2015, I learned about a dual-enrollment program for students to attend high school and Wake Technical Community College simultaneously
A day after an internal email by a Google employee was leaked to the press, a combination of ideological intolerance and scientific illiteracy led Google to fire James Damore for "perpetuating gender stereotypes."
A day after an internal email by a Google employee was leaked to the press, a combination of ideological intolerance and scientific illiteracy led Google to fire James Damore for "perpetuating gender stereotypes."
Higher education has a public relations problem on its hands. The results of a new Pew Research survey show that almost 60 percent of Republicans believe higher education has a “negative effect on the way things are going in the country
Higher education has a public relations problem on its hands. The results of a new Pew Research survey show that almost 60 percent of Republicans believe higher education has a “negative effect on the way things are going in the country
Student intolerance and opposition to free speech have been gaining momentum
Between the rise of safe spaces, trigger warnings, speaker disinvitations, and the often illiberal conduct of campus demonstrators over the past few years, it's clear that the core constitutional value of free speech is now under siege at our colleges and universities
Between the rise of safe spaces, trigger warnings, speaker disinvitations, and the often illiberal conduct of campus demonstrators over the past few years, it's clear that the core constitutional value of free speech is now under siege at our colleges and universities
I am about to begin my freshman year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and I recently attended college orientation.
I am about to begin my freshman year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and I recently attended college orientation.
Every semester during my thirteen years of teaching at a liberal arts college, several senior year students would approach me and ask if I "knew of any jobs out there."
Every semester during my thirteen years of teaching at a liberal arts college, several senior year students would approach me and ask if I "knew of any jobs out there."
Students could face punishment, including the possibility of expulsion, for engaging in conscious acts stifling the First Amendment rights of others, and the UNC system would be required to implement free speech rules, under a plan Lt. Gov. Dan Forest hopes to turn into law.
Students could face punishment, including the possibility of expulsion, for engaging in conscious acts stifling the First Amendment rights of others, and the UNC system would be required to implement free speech rules, under a plan Lt. Gov. Dan Forest hopes to turn into law.
With so many more Americans going to college than in the past, you would think that anti-intellectualism would be a distant, rapidly fading memory.
With so many more Americans going to college than in the past, you would think that anti-intellectualism would be a distant, rapidly fading memory.


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