Results found for increasing tuition | Eastern North Carolina Now

16 Results found for increasing tuition

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UNC and other institutions may soon attempt to raise student fees.
Many university expenses are difficult to trim. But not impossible.
Many university expenses are difficult to trim. But not impossible.
The most striking fact about American colleges and universities over the last fifty years is how rapidly the cost of attending has risen.
The most striking fact about American colleges and universities over the last fifty years is how rapidly the cost of attending has risen.
No one spoke of college students being trapped in debt until rather recently.
No one spoke of college students being trapped in debt until rather recently.
Now that President Biden has been sworn in as the 46th president, he wants to hit the ground running and attend to urgent priorities.
Now that President Biden has been sworn in as the 46th president, he wants to hit the ground running and attend to urgent priorities.
There is general agreement among higher education observers and reformers that tuition and fees at public universities have increased at an unsustainable pace.
There is general agreement among higher education observers and reformers that tuition and fees at public universities have increased at an unsustainable pace.
For too many politicians and presidential hopefuls, a free college education is a cure-all for inequality in America—so long as the federal government can pour enough money into it.
For too many politicians and presidential hopefuls, a free college education is a cure-all for inequality in America—so long as the federal government can pour enough money into it.
The Department of Education's method for awarding college students financial aid has many perverse effects
The Department of Education's method for awarding college students financial aid has many perverse effects
It's been 30 years since then-Education Secretary William J. Bennett took to the pages of The New York Times to chide colleges for their "greedy" behavior
It's been 30 years since then-Education Secretary William J. Bennett took to the pages of The New York Times to chide colleges for their "greedy" behavior
Recently some influential members of Congress complained about the supposed unfairness of colleges and universities who raised tuition at an excessive rate, despite their gigantic endowments
Recently some influential members of Congress complained about the supposed unfairness of colleges and universities who raised tuition at an excessive rate, despite their gigantic endowments
Today success requires possessing a skill set that is in demand.
Until recently, I was a college "bubble hawk." I saw significant parallels between the housing bubble that triggered the Great Recession and higher education. I believed that the combination of easy student loan money, rapidly increasing tuition, "creative disruption" caused by education...
Until recently, I was a college "bubble hawk." I saw significant parallels between the housing bubble that triggered the Great Recession and higher education. I believed that the combination of easy student loan money, rapidly increasing tuition, "creative disruption" caused by education...
Historically, higher education has been relatively left alone by the North Carolina legislature; this year represents a slight departure from that trend. For one thing, Governor McCrory has made the community colleges a focus of his administration and has called attention to their needs.
Historically, higher education has been relatively left alone by the North Carolina legislature; this year represents a slight departure from that trend. For one thing, Governor McCrory has made the community colleges a focus of his administration and has called attention to their needs.
During the recent conference of the National Association of State Budget Officers, which I attended, the main topics of conversation were the nation's economic outlook, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and the
During the recent conference of the National Association of State Budget Officers, which I attended, the main topics of conversation were the nation's economic outlook, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and the
One would think we Americans would learn. Government does not do very much very well.


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