Friday, April 6th, 2018 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Friday, April 6th, 2018


Archived Results for Friday, April 6th, 2018

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The Bipartisan State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement approved appeals by two Republican primary candidates, reversing decisions by Clay and Mecklenburg county elections boards that had disqualified the candidates from running
The Bipartisan State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement approved appeals by two Republican primary candidates, reversing decisions by Clay and Mecklenburg county elections boards that had disqualified the candidates from running
Beaufort County Commissioners General Meeting's Agenda, April 9, 2018
In May, North Carolina voters will go to the polls, and in at least 14 counties they'll vote on tax increases
In May, North Carolina voters will go to the polls, and in at least 14 counties they'll vote on tax increases
The Department of Education's method for awarding college students financial aid has many perverse effects
The Department of Education's method for awarding college students financial aid has many perverse effects
On Wednesday, a 1,000-person caravan making its way north through Mexico while traveling to the United States decided to abandon its plan of reaching the U.S. after President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he was deploying the military to the Southern Border to increase border security
On Wednesday, a 1,000-person caravan making its way north through Mexico while traveling to the United States decided to abandon its plan of reaching the U.S. after President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he was deploying the military to the Southern Border to increase border security
The Joint Legislative Study Committee on the Division of Local School Administrative Units took a detour from talking about district size to explore innovative programs across the state
The Joint Legislative Study Committee on the Division of Local School Administrative Units took a detour from talking about district size to explore innovative programs across the state
I've just returned from another trip to Black Mountain, NC where I enjoyed several fun-filled days with friends I made at work in the 90s. When you spend 32 years at one company, you're bound to make some friends.
I've just returned from another trip to Black Mountain, NC where I enjoyed several fun-filled days with friends I made at work in the 90s. When you spend 32 years at one company, you're bound to make some friends.
North Carolina has its work cut out in bolstering advanced education options for all state residents, says University of North Carolina President Margaret Spellings
North Carolina has its work cut out in bolstering advanced education options for all state residents, says University of North Carolina President Margaret Spellings


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