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North Carolina Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry has served as interim speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives since Oct. 3 after former speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, was ousted.
North Carolina Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry has served as interim speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives since Oct. 3 after former speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, was ousted.
Finally. The Republican conference budget proposal was finally released earlier today. I’m sure readers are aware of the infighting among Republican lawmakers regarding casino legislation and Medicaid expansion.
Finally. The Republican conference budget proposal was finally released earlier today. I’m sure readers are aware of the infighting among Republican lawmakers regarding casino legislation and Medicaid expansion.
Members of the United States Congress have formally rebuked House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Matt Gaetz for what they are calling "unnecessary infighting" that they claim is distracting from the important work of giving themselves raises.
Members of the United States Congress have formally rebuked House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Matt Gaetz for what they are calling "unnecessary infighting" that they claim is distracting from the important work of giving themselves raises.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is seeking to pull off one of the most improbable political upsets in American history, and Democrat Party infighting could give the long-shot candidate a much-needed early boost.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is seeking to pull off one of the most improbable political upsets in American history, and Democrat Party infighting could give the long-shot candidate a much-needed early boost.
The latest poll from the John Locke Foundation shows Robinson is the only Republican that can beat Josh Stein in the governor’s race.
The latest poll from the John Locke Foundation shows Robinson is the only Republican that can beat Josh Stein in the governor’s race.
Amid protracted negotiations for the speakership in the House Of Representatives, former House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA, R) has issued a stern admonition that further delay in the process could hold up the important work of continued funds for Ukraine.
Amid protracted negotiations for the speakership in the House Of Representatives, former House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA, R) has issued a stern admonition that further delay in the process could hold up the important work of continued funds for Ukraine.
Former President Donald Trump (R) took a shot at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) during a campaign event Saturday night in Pennsylvania, just days before election for Florida’s governorship.
Former President Donald Trump (R) took a shot at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) during a campaign event Saturday night in Pennsylvania, just days before election for Florida’s governorship.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, a celebrity heart surgeon, joined Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss his announcement to enter the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania as a Republican.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, a celebrity heart surgeon, joined Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss his announcement to enter the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania as a Republican.
Mike Cargile writes at the American Thinker about the significance of California’s gubernatorial recall election.
Mike Cargile writes at the American Thinker about the significance of California’s gubernatorial recall election.
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) | Washington, D.C.
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) | Washington, D.C.
It is an open secret that there are two active Republican Parties in Beaufort County.
James Antle of the Washington Examiner dissects a recent public clash within the Republican Party.
James Antle of the Washington Examiner dissects a recent public clash within the Republican Party.
There was a time in March when it felt like we were all united in attacking COVID-19, but that honeymoon was short lived. By the end of April, the virus had become partisan.
There was a time in March when it felt like we were all united in attacking COVID-19, but that honeymoon was short lived. By the end of April, the virus had become partisan.
James Antle muses at the Washington Examiner about national media outlets’ interesting choice of praiseworthy politicians.
James Antle muses at the Washington Examiner about national media outlets’ interesting choice of praiseworthy politicians.
On Thursday morning, Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard posted a video to social media calling foul on the corporate media and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) attempting to “rig” the 2020 primary
On Thursday morning, Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard posted a video to social media calling foul on the corporate media and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) attempting to “rig” the 2020 primary
Much recent political commentary about North Carolina's Supreme Court focuses on the 5-2 majority that Democrats will gain in January
Much recent political commentary about North Carolina's Supreme Court focuses on the 5-2 majority that Democrats will gain in January
The current political spat between North Carolina’s governor and legislature has produced plenty of heated rhetoric
The current political spat between North Carolina’s governor and legislature has produced plenty of heated rhetoric
Roy Cooper was mending fences. Just not the ones you might have imagined
As the 9/11 anniversary approaches, attacking our national symbols is not productive.
"The presidential race," N.C. State University political science professor Steven Greene said when asked what will affect the Nov. 8 general election in North Carolina the most
"The presidential race," N.C. State University political science professor Steven Greene said when asked what will affect the Nov. 8 general election in North Carolina the most
What started out as a runaway by SOMEBODY named Craig Collins and a re-anointing of Carolyn Justice as vice-chairman has evolved into a crowded circus atmosphere featuring vile rumors, physical threats, draft campaigns, and celebrity cameos.
What started out as a runaway by SOMEBODY named Craig Collins and a re-anointing of Carolyn Justice as vice-chairman has evolved into a crowded circus atmosphere featuring vile rumors, physical threats, draft campaigns, and celebrity cameos.
We all know the days of oil and fossil fuel dependency need to end for the future of our planet.
We all know the days of oil and fossil fuel dependency need to end for the future of our planet.
You don't have to watch House of Cards on Netflix to witness political drama, intrigue and raw power plays.
You don't have to watch House of Cards on Netflix to witness political drama, intrigue and raw power plays.
The media hysteria over the budget debate on Jones Street is reaching a crescendo.
The media hysteria over the budget debate on Jones Street is reaching a crescendo.
Moore County's Richard Morgan has evolved into one of the most polarizing figures ever in North Carolina politics. Amazingly, during his time in the NC General Assembly, he was able to earn an equal amount of emnity from conservatives AND liberals.
Moore County's Richard Morgan has evolved into one of the most polarizing figures ever in North Carolina politics. Amazingly, during his time in the NC General Assembly, he was able to earn an equal amount of emnity from conservatives AND liberals.
Is North Carolina staging a "Carolina Comeback" or plunging into a dark abyss? What is the state of our state? Politico Magazine recently published an article, "The States of our Union....Are Not All Strong," that attempts to answer that question.
Is North Carolina staging a "Carolina Comeback" or plunging into a dark abyss? What is the state of our state? Politico Magazine recently published an article, "The States of our Union....Are Not All Strong," that attempts to answer that question.
Back in March of this year the Beaufort County Republican Party Executive Committee voted to recommend for appointment to the Board of Elections Dr Delma Blinson.
Back in March of this year the Beaufort County Republican Party Executive Committee voted to recommend for appointment to the Board of Elections Dr Delma Blinson.
Senate suggestions that now might be a good time to consider the elimination or consolidation of one or more of the UNC 16-campus system drew immediate and passionate opposition, some calling it a war on public universities.
Senate suggestions that now might be a good time to consider the elimination or consolidation of one or more of the UNC 16-campus system drew immediate and passionate opposition, some calling it a war on public universities.
With all of the infighting between grassroots activists and establishment types this past year, you had to expect this.
With all of the infighting between grassroots activists and establishment types this past year, you had to expect this.
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