Results found for jim crawford | Eastern North Carolina Now

7 Results found for jim crawford

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Nearly every election cycle, a handful of counties place a sales tax referendum on the ballot.
Nearly every election cycle, a handful of counties place a sales tax referendum on the ballot.
As North Carolina's legislative session (presumably) winds down over the next couple of weeks, it seems increasingly unlikely that the cap on state spending growth and other provisions of the proposed Taxpayer Protection Act will pass this year. The Senate approved the measure a few weeks ago...
As North Carolina's legislative session (presumably) winds down over the next couple of weeks, it seems increasingly unlikely that the cap on state spending growth and other provisions of the proposed Taxpayer Protection Act will pass this year. The Senate approved the measure a few weeks ago...
Former Person County Commissioner Larry Yarborough is a small business owner highlighting the need for jobs in his bid to win a seat as a Republican candidate in heavily Democratic House District 2.
Former Person County Commissioner Larry Yarborough is a small business owner highlighting the need for jobs in his bid to win a seat as a Republican candidate in heavily Democratic House District 2.
North Carolina maintains one of the nation's most restrictive versions of the Map Act, which can freeze property development within proposed road corridors for years. A new John Locke Foundation Spotlight report documents one Forsyth County case in which Map Act restrictions have limited private...
North Carolina maintains one of the nation's most restrictive versions of the Map Act, which can freeze property development within proposed road corridors for years. A new John Locke Foundation Spotlight report documents one Forsyth County case in which Map Act restrictions have limited private...
North Carolina maintains one of the nation's most restrictive versions of the Map Act, which can freeze property development within proposed road corridors for years.
North Carolina maintains one of the nation's most restrictive versions of the Map Act, which can freeze property development within proposed road corridors for years.
Primary election night Tuesday resulted in several upsets and close races in legislative contests in North Carolina, setting the stage for a competitive general election season this summer and fall.
Primary election night Tuesday resulted in several upsets and close races in legislative contests in North Carolina, setting the stage for a competitive general election season this summer and fall.
Republicans could strengthen their grip on the North Carolina legislature and recapture a majority in the state's congressional delegation in 2012, due in large part to a friendly redistricting plan.
Republicans could strengthen their grip on the North Carolina legislature and recapture a majority in the state's congressional delegation in 2012, due in large part to a friendly redistricting plan.


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