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12 Results found for rep. paul ryan

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Multiple votes for House speaker ended with no winner Tuesday, leaving House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) latest attempt to take the gavel in doubt as night fell in the nation’s capital.
Multiple votes for House speaker ended with no winner Tuesday, leaving House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) latest attempt to take the gavel in doubt as night fell in the nation’s capital.
When Rep. Schuyler Colfax (R-IN) served as speaker of the House for two terms during the Civil War, he said upon taking the gavel he would “come to this chair to administer rules, but not as a partisan.”
When Rep. Schuyler Colfax (R-IN) served as speaker of the House for two terms during the Civil War, he said upon taking the gavel he would “come to this chair to administer rules, but not as a partisan.”
Congressional Republicans say they are short of the votes for raising the debt limit and avoiding a first-ever government default. With barely a week before deadline, there's no plan on what to do.
Congressional Republicans say they are short of the votes for raising the debt limit and avoiding a first-ever government default. With barely a week before deadline, there's no plan on what to do.
Conservatives just helped oust a speaker who was okay with the Wall Street bailout, debt ceiling increases, and amnesty for illegals.
Conservatives just helped oust a speaker who was okay with the Wall Street bailout, debt ceiling increases, and amnesty for illegals.
GOP congressional leaders are racing to approve a budget blueprint for the coming year that abides by strict spending limits, determined to show that the party can maintain fiscal discipline.
GOP congressional leaders are racing to approve a budget blueprint for the coming year that abides by strict spending limits, determined to show that the party can maintain fiscal discipline.
U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, R-11th District, wants to sack the National Football League's tax-exempt status because, he said, it's unfair for a multibillion-dollar sports enterprise to enjoy special tax treatment usually reserved for churches, educational entities, and charitable organizations.
U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, R-11th District, wants to sack the National Football League's tax-exempt status because, he said, it's unfair for a multibillion-dollar sports enterprise to enjoy special tax treatment usually reserved for churches, educational entities, and charitable organizations.
John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and the rest of the House GOP leadership have pretty much stomped out the last vestiges of the GOP's claim to being the party of smaller government.
John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and the rest of the House GOP leadership have pretty much stomped out the last vestiges of the GOP's claim to being the party of smaller government.
The GOP establishment has been rolling its collective eyes dismissively at those of us fighting tooth and nail to stop ObamaCare. Now, they're ready to help Big Barry jack up the federal debt even further.
The GOP establishment has been rolling its collective eyes dismissively at those of us fighting tooth and nail to stop ObamaCare. Now, they're ready to help Big Barry jack up the federal debt even further.
Remember Where's Waldo? Imagine for a moment that he had the word "privatization" stitched on his colorful little cap, and see if you can spot him...
Remember Where's Waldo? Imagine for a moment that he had the word "privatization" stitched on his colorful little cap, and see if you can spot him...
Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1905 and saw firsthand the communist revolution and takeover of her native country and the subsequent oppression that swallowed it up.
Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1905 and saw firsthand the communist revolution and takeover of her native country and the subsequent oppression that swallowed it up.
But Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican and House Budget Committee chairman, brings to the ticket a set of skills sometimes lacking in today's Republican Party. That is refreshing and important.
But Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican and House Budget Committee chairman, brings to the ticket a set of skills sometimes lacking in today's Republican Party. That is refreshing and important.
This week marks the start of the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will be named the GOP ticket for November's election. We already know that Barack Obama and Joe Biden will be the Democratic ticket.
This week marks the start of the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will be named the GOP ticket for November's election. We already know that Barack Obama and Joe Biden will be the Democratic ticket.


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