Results found for state sales tax | Eastern North Carolina Now

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79 Results found for state sales tax

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The U.S. Supreme Court will not take up cases from North Carolina involving drunk-driving prosecutions and an out-of-state sales tax dispute.
The U.S. Supreme Court will not take up cases from North Carolina involving drunk-driving prosecutions and an out-of-state sales tax dispute.
SB299 Provides Local Government Commission With Tools to Help Ensure Audit Rules Are Followed
The U.S. Supreme Court has set June 15 as the date to review two cases with N.C. ties. One involves a dispute over state sales tax assessments. The other covers procedures for prosecuting drunk-driving cases.
The U.S. Supreme Court has set June 15 as the date to review two cases with N.C. ties. One involves a dispute over state sales tax assessments. The other covers procedures for prosecuting drunk-driving cases.
In 2013, the new General Assembly held the sales tax at 4.75%, while expanding the base. Consumption-based taxes like the sales tax are more stable and less economically destructive than income taxes which discourage savings and investment.
In 2013, the new General Assembly held the sales tax at 4.75%, while expanding the base. Consumption-based taxes like the sales tax are more stable and less economically destructive than income taxes which discourage savings and investment.
A national group of tax lawyers is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a case from North Carolina dealing with sales taxes and out-of-state transactions.
A national group of tax lawyers is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a case from North Carolina dealing with sales taxes and out-of-state transactions.
The 2021 long session brought North Carolina a “First in Freedom” budget, with pro-growth tax cuts which will continue to reward taxpayers in 2023 and beyond.
The 2021 long session brought North Carolina a “First in Freedom” budget, with pro-growth tax cuts which will continue to reward taxpayers in 2023 and beyond.
Republican budget writers released their conference budget adjustments for the new fiscal year on Tuesday, circumventing the traditional appropriations process.
Republican budget writers released their conference budget adjustments for the new fiscal year on Tuesday, circumventing the traditional appropriations process.
There’s nothing better than curling up with some great fiction and a glass of sweet tea. But who would have suspected that fiction is transcripts of the January 6th House committee hearings?
There’s nothing better than curling up with some great fiction and a glass of sweet tea. But who would have suspected that fiction is transcripts of the January 6th House committee hearings?
Less than a year after an audit of the N.C. Department of Transportation found massive overspending, a blue-ribbon panel is recommending the department get a 40% budget hike.
Less than a year after an audit of the N.C. Department of Transportation found massive overspending, a blue-ribbon panel is recommending the department get a 40% budget hike.
Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdown orders have produced difficult economic times for North Carolina families and businesses.
Gov. Roy Cooper’s shutdown orders have produced difficult economic times for North Carolina families and businesses.
North Carolina progressive liberal groups and politicians have for years criticized the past decade of conservative tax cuts as being only “for big corporations and the rich.”
North Carolina progressive liberal groups and politicians have for years criticized the past decade of conservative tax cuts as being only “for big corporations and the rich.”
Over at, former political consultant Thomas Mills re-runs the old trope about how low-income North Carolinians pay a higher share of their income in taxes relative to high-income earners.
Over at, former political consultant Thomas Mills re-runs the old trope about how low-income North Carolinians pay a higher share of their income in taxes relative to high-income earners.
Over at, former political consultant Thomas Mills re-runs the old trope about how low-income North Carolinians pay a higher share of their income in taxes relative to high-income earners.
Over at, former political consultant Thomas Mills re-runs the old trope about how low-income North Carolinians pay a higher share of their income in taxes relative to high-income earners.
Members who serve on the 168 boards that control local alcohol sales in North Carolina are doing good work
Members who serve on the 168 boards that control local alcohol sales in North Carolina are doing good work
Advocates for higher taxes and spending were excited to see a new pool of economic activity from which to siphon money, but Gov. Roy Cooper's Department of Revenue (NCDOR) may have overstepped its authority in interpreting state law and a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision
Advocates for higher taxes and spending were excited to see a new pool of economic activity from which to siphon money, but Gov. Roy Cooper's Department of Revenue (NCDOR) may have overstepped its authority in interpreting state law and a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision
The state Department of Revenue is gearing up to assess sales taxes on more out-of-state online retailers who make sales to North Carolina residents. But it's unclear whether the department has the legal authority to do so, a former legislative leader says
The state Department of Revenue is gearing up to assess sales taxes on more out-of-state online retailers who make sales to North Carolina residents. But it's unclear whether the department has the legal authority to do so, a former legislative leader says
The Democratic governor suggests Republican leaders of the N.C. General Assembly favor those groups over people with lower incomes. But the facts show that the governor bears responsibility for trying to divide North Carolinians by income level
The Democratic governor suggests Republican leaders of the N.C. General Assembly favor those groups over people with lower incomes. But the facts show that the governor bears responsibility for trying to divide North Carolinians by income level
It's a three-way race in the state House of Representatives District 59 Republican primary, with incumbent Rep. Jon Hardister squaring off against former state Sen. Mark McDaniel and newcomer Karen Albright
It's a three-way race in the state House of Representatives District 59 Republican primary, with incumbent Rep. Jon Hardister squaring off against former state Sen. Mark McDaniel and newcomer Karen Albright
At last count, 12 North Carolina counties will include an increase in the local sales tax on their May ballots
At last count, 12 North Carolina counties will include an increase in the local sales tax on their May ballots
Politicians and policy analysts clashed Tuesday over school construction costs and who should pay
Politicians and policy analysts clashed Tuesday over school construction costs and who should pay
North Carolina is a model for ending state sales tax holidays in favor of better policy, a Tax Foundation study finds
North Carolina is a model for ending state sales tax holidays in favor of better policy, a Tax Foundation study finds
The North Carolina excise tax on distilled spirits has risen to the fifth-highest in the country, according to recent data from the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States
The North Carolina excise tax on distilled spirits has risen to the fifth-highest in the country, according to recent data from the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States
NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes today praised efforts by North Carolina Republicans to lower and simplify state taxes while providing a boost to the economy
NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes today praised efforts by North Carolina Republicans to lower and simplify state taxes while providing a boost to the economy
True, longtime Raleigh News & Observer political columnist Rob Christensen might have written his latest piece before reading last week’s Carolina Journal Daily Journal on recent progressive changes to North Carolina’s personal income tax
True, longtime Raleigh News & Observer political columnist Rob Christensen might have written his latest piece before reading last week’s Carolina Journal Daily Journal on recent progressive changes to North Carolina’s personal income tax
Republican Susan Martin is running for a third term to represent House District 8, taking in two-thirds of Wilson County and one-third of Pitt County, where she is being challenged by Charlie Pat Farris, who is a lawyer, lifelong resident, and military veteran
Republican Susan Martin is running for a third term to represent House District 8, taking in two-thirds of Wilson County and one-third of Pitt County, where she is being challenged by Charlie Pat Farris, who is a lawyer, lifelong resident, and military veteran
North Carolina almost made another top-10 list this year - but don't worry, our state seems likely to make the cut in 2017
North Carolina almost made another top-10 list this year - but don't worry, our state seems likely to make the cut in 2017
North Carolina Democrats running for statewide offices this year are trying to convince voters that Republicans favor higher taxes on "working people" while they, the Democrats, favor lower taxes on "working people."
North Carolina Democrats running for statewide offices this year are trying to convince voters that Republicans favor higher taxes on "working people" while they, the Democrats, favor lower taxes on "working people."
An effort to cap the state income tax rate was removed quietly from the Senate's calendar on Wednesday, one day after that body's Finance Committee gave the proposed change to the N.C. Constitution a thumbs up
An effort to cap the state income tax rate was removed quietly from the Senate's calendar on Wednesday, one day after that body's Finance Committee gave the proposed change to the N.C. Constitution a thumbs up
As the General Assembly continues to work through the 2016-17 budget, part of the final package should build on the tax reforms first implemented in 2011
As the General Assembly continues to work through the 2016-17 budget, part of the final package should build on the tax reforms first implemented in 2011
So far this year, we've had three state budget plans submitted by the three main actors in the drama: Gov. Pat McCrory, the North Carolina House, and the North Carolina Senate
So far this year, we've had three state budget plans submitted by the three main actors in the drama: Gov. Pat McCrory, the North Carolina House, and the North Carolina Senate
Recent historic tax reforms have helped North Carolina jump from No. 44 to No. 15 in the Tax Foundation's annual ranking of state business climates
Recent historic tax reforms have helped North Carolina jump from No. 44 to No. 15 in the Tax Foundation's annual ranking of state business climates
Every year the Tax Foundation publishes the State Business Tax Climate Index, which allows taxpayers, businesses, and policy makers an easy comparison of how their states' tax systems relate. This ranking of the states is based on tax policy has been very important in North Carolina over the last...
Every year the Tax Foundation publishes the State Business Tax Climate Index, which allows taxpayers, businesses, and policy makers an easy comparison of how their states' tax systems relate. This ranking of the states is based on tax policy has been very important in North Carolina over the last...
The news that North Carolina's state General Fund budget revenue is now predicted to come in $400 million above original estimates caused the Left to go into full spin mode. For months, liberal progressives were fretting about the end of Western Civilization as we know it due to earlier...
The news that North Carolina's state General Fund budget revenue is now predicted to come in $400 million above original estimates caused the Left to go into full spin mode. For months, liberal progressives were fretting about the end of Western Civilization as we know it due to earlier...
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