Results found for unconstitutional gerrymandering | Eastern North Carolina Now

5 Results found for unconstitutional gerrymandering

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The North Carolina Supreme Court has opened Pandora’s box with their 4-3 decision on Voter ID. In Greek mythology Pandora’s curiosity led her to open a container entrusted to her husband, unleashing what we today call “a can of worms.”
The North Carolina Supreme Court has opened Pandora’s box with their 4-3 decision on Voter ID. In Greek mythology Pandora’s curiosity led her to open a container entrusted to her husband, unleashing what we today call “a can of worms.”
Another case of Democrats disregarding the will of the People
Another case of Democrats disregarding the will of the People
2019 was only four days old when we got the announcement the U.S. Supreme Court was going to hear arguments on North Carolina's redistricting lawsuit in March. Once again, our state will be in the political spotlight.
2019 was only four days old when we got the announcement the U.S. Supreme Court was going to hear arguments on North Carolina's redistricting lawsuit in March. Once again, our state will be in the political spotlight.
Judges in one of North Carolina's ongoing electoral redistricting fights are explaining why voters will not face special legislative elections before the regularly scheduled 2018 races
Judges in one of North Carolina's ongoing electoral redistricting fights are explaining why voters will not face special legislative elections before the regularly scheduled 2018 races
State Sen. Bob Rucho said a sweeping decision by a three-judge Superior Court panel handed him and state Rep. David Lewis "a complete and utter vindication" against accusations of racism and unconstitutional gerrymandering in a lawsuit over redrawn state voting maps.
State Sen. Bob Rucho said a sweeping decision by a three-judge Superior Court panel handed him and state Rep. David Lewis "a complete and utter vindication" against accusations of racism and unconstitutional gerrymandering in a lawsuit over redrawn state voting maps.


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