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48 Results found for social security

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and end to unfair double taxation of citizens
When you're planning for the future, it's best to know the right places to invest and what you can rely on down the road. Surprising as it may be, depending on the United States federal government has not always gone well!
When you're planning for the future, it's best to know the right places to invest and what you can rely on down the road. Surprising as it may be, depending on the United States federal government has not always gone well!
President Joe Biden started off his State of the Union address with a wonderful call for unity.
Republican and Democratic officials preparing to negotiate spending reductions have expressed an unmitigated refusal to involve Social Security in the conversation.
Republican and Democratic officials preparing to negotiate spending reductions have expressed an unmitigated refusal to involve Social Security in the conversation.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said that spending cuts to Social Security and Medicare are “off the table” as lawmakers seek to fund the government while reducing deficits.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said that spending cuts to Social Security and Medicare are “off the table” as lawmakers seek to fund the government while reducing deficits.
The House January 6 Committee, now disbanded, released Social Security numbers belonging to hundreds of Americans, including former Trump staffers and other top Republican officials.
The House January 6 Committee, now disbanded, released Social Security numbers belonging to hundreds of Americans, including former Trump staffers and other top Republican officials.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced Wednesday that Americans can now self-select their gender when filling out records.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced Wednesday that Americans can now self-select their gender when filling out records.
Large COLA this year caused by inflation will likely mean Social Security tax hikes or benefit cuts in the near future
Large COLA this year caused by inflation will likely mean Social Security tax hikes or benefit cuts in the near future
Back in 2003, when President George W. Bush was campaigning for re-election, he praised Congress for approving a Medicare prescription drug benefit overhaul that he supported.
Back in 2003, when President George W. Bush was campaigning for re-election, he praised Congress for approving a Medicare prescription drug benefit overhaul that he supported.
Mattie Duppler explains in a Washington Examiner column why the future of Social Security depends on an economic rebound.
Mattie Duppler explains in a Washington Examiner column why the future of Social Security depends on an economic rebound.
The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office would like to alert Social Security recipients to a scam.
The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office would like to alert Social Security recipients to a scam.
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored the bipartisan Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need (HAVEN) Act this week to protect the economic security and well-being of veterans and their families who rely on disability benefits and may be experiencing financial hardship
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored the bipartisan Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need (HAVEN) Act this week to protect the economic security and well-being of veterans and their families who rely on disability benefits and may be experiencing financial hardship
As another year draws to a close, a year of Democratic resurgence in both national and local politics, I offer this challenge to incumbent and newly elected lawmakers alike
As another year draws to a close, a year of Democratic resurgence in both national and local politics, I offer this challenge to incumbent and newly elected lawmakers alike
Labor Day was the saddest day of the year when I was young. It signaled the official end of summer and the start of the routine of getting up early, going to school, doing homework and going to bed early
Labor Day was the saddest day of the year when I was young. It signaled the official end of summer and the start of the routine of getting up early, going to school, doing homework and going to bed early
This week, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, joined Chairman Johnny Isakson (R-GA), and Ranking Member Jon Tester (D-MT) to introduce the Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2018
This week, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, joined Chairman Johnny Isakson (R-GA), and Ranking Member Jon Tester (D-MT) to introduce the Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2018
"Whoever thought I was going to live so long," my 96 year old mother asked? She isn't alone
"Whoever thought I was going to live so long," my 96 year old mother asked? She isn't alone
Medicare and Social Security, along with Medicaid, represent a majority of the federal budget each year, and represent mandatory spending
Medicare and Social Security, along with Medicaid, represent a majority of the federal budget each year, and represent mandatory spending
"Human advancement is not a mere question of almsgiving, but rather of sympathy and cooperation among classes who would scorn charity," writes W.E.B. DuBois in The Souls of Black Folk
"Human advancement is not a mere question of almsgiving, but rather of sympathy and cooperation among classes who would scorn charity," writes W.E.B. DuBois in The Souls of Black Folk
This week, first daughter Ivanka Trump and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) unveiled an outline for their plan for paid parental and family leave. The plan would allow families to take time against their Social Security retirement age at their discretion
This week, first daughter Ivanka Trump and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) unveiled an outline for their plan for paid parental and family leave. The plan would allow families to take time against their Social Security retirement age at their discretion
Today, U.S. Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner, John Koskinen, to urge the IRS to reconsider a recent decision that will cause lower-income military retirees to lose federal benefits
Today, U.S. Senators Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner, John Koskinen, to urge the IRS to reconsider a recent decision that will cause lower-income military retirees to lose federal benefits
If you've ever put together a jigsaw puzzle you can understand the task of assembling a state budget. Like a puzzle, one piece of the spending and tax plan builds upon another as lawmakers construct a two-year budget that spends more than $23 billion a year
If you've ever put together a jigsaw puzzle you can understand the task of assembling a state budget. Like a puzzle, one piece of the spending and tax plan builds upon another as lawmakers construct a two-year budget that spends more than $23 billion a year
But you would think it was only invented on November 8, 2016. The word originally was used in horse-racing when it referred to checking all horses in a race by a veterinarian. The original term was to 'VET' because of the examination.
But you would think it was only invented on November 8, 2016. The word originally was used in horse-racing when it referred to checking all horses in a race by a veterinarian. The original term was to 'VET' because of the examination.
We will never be able to correct the course of this country's economic trajectory until we get control of the entitlements which includes welfare as well as the sacred cow Social Security.
We will never be able to correct the course of this country's economic trajectory until we get control of the entitlements which includes welfare as well as the sacred cow Social Security.
"There is a date certain" when Social Security and Medicare trust funds will be empty, and Millennials and the members of Generation X will be left to pick up the pieces, one of the nation’s leading economists says
"There is a date certain" when Social Security and Medicare trust funds will be empty, and Millennials and the members of Generation X will be left to pick up the pieces, one of the nation’s leading economists says
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) is encouraging North Carolinians to contact his regional offices if they experience difficulty dealing with a federal agency
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) is encouraging North Carolinians to contact his regional offices if they experience difficulty dealing with a federal agency
Voter ID has been in the news many times lately. Some people are for, and some people are against voter ID.
Voter ID has been in the news many times lately. Some people are for, and some people are against voter ID.
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
Three state senators have introduced a bill removing the state's religious exemption for immunizing minor children.
Three state senators have introduced a bill removing the state's religious exemption for immunizing minor children.
President Obama's most recent budget makes it clear, the Wall Street Journal says, that while Republicans need his signature "to arrest America's coming fiscal crackup," they're "unlikely to get even the back of his hand."
President Obama's most recent budget makes it clear, the Wall Street Journal says, that while Republicans need his signature "to arrest America's coming fiscal crackup," they're "unlikely to get even the back of his hand."
Progressives everywhere are calling for an increase in the minimum wage. (For a look at the progressive movement's historical support for the minimum wage see this article.) The amount of the increase depends on who is calling for it. President Obama wants a 40 percent hike from the current...
Progressives everywhere are calling for an increase in the minimum wage. (For a look at the progressive movement's historical support for the minimum wage see this article.) The amount of the increase depends on who is calling for it. President Obama wants a 40 percent hike from the current...
The push is on, both nationally and in several states, to raise the minimum wage from its current $7.25 an hour to $10.30 nationally and as high as $15 in specific cities and states. I think it would be absolutely great if everyone who wanted a job could get one at a wage of $10 or $15 an hour...
The push is on, both nationally and in several states, to raise the minimum wage from its current $7.25 an hour to $10.30 nationally and as high as $15 in specific cities and states. I think it would be absolutely great if everyone who wanted a job could get one at a wage of $10 or $15 an hour...
The push is on, both nationally and in several states, to raise the minimum wage from its current $7.25 an hour to $10.30 nationally and as high as $15 in specific cities and states. And let me say that I think it would be absolutely great if everyone who wanted a job could get one at a wage of $10
The push is on, both nationally and in several states, to raise the minimum wage from its current $7.25 an hour to $10.30 nationally and as high as $15 in specific cities and states. And let me say that I think it would be absolutely great if everyone who wanted a job could get one at a wage of $10
The state of Washington has the highest minimum wage in the country at $9.32 an hour. Consequently, the state has the third highest teenage unemployment rate in the country at 30.6 percent. This is almost 10 percentage points higher than the national average of about 21 percent.
The state of Washington has the highest minimum wage in the country at $9.32 an hour. Consequently, the state has the third highest teenage unemployment rate in the country at 30.6 percent. This is almost 10 percentage points higher than the national average of about 21 percent.
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