Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014


Archived Results for Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

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College students are heading home for the holidays, but the University of North Carolina's Board of Governors continues its work. The Pope Center for Higher Education Policy believes the BOG has plenty of opportunities to improve North Carolina's 16-campus university system. Jane Shaw, president...
College students are heading home for the holidays, but the University of North Carolina's Board of Governors continues its work. The Pope Center for Higher Education Policy believes the BOG has plenty of opportunities to improve North Carolina's 16-campus university system. Jane Shaw, president...
Many of us can remember the 'double rainbow, moment for the Yosemite junkie made famous on Youtube a few years back.
Many of us can remember the 'double rainbow, moment for the Yosemite junkie made famous on Youtube a few years back.
Goose Creek State Park Calendar of Events for December, 2014.
Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement after North Carolina's unemployment rate decreased to 5.8% in November, adding nearly 10,000 jobs over the month and 176,000 since the governor took office...
Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement after North Carolina's unemployment rate decreased to 5.8% in November, adding nearly 10,000 jobs over the month and 176,000 since the governor took office...
On 12-12-2014, Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Drug Unit and Criminal Investigations Division arrested Vinson Burke Dixon Jr., 45 years of age, of Grimes Way in Aurora.
On 12-12-2014, Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Drug Unit and Criminal Investigations Division arrested Vinson Burke Dixon Jr., 45 years of age, of Grimes Way in Aurora.
Some state education officials are hoping that a plan approved by the State Board of Education and sent to a legislative committee for action will speed the process of letting high-performing charter schools replicate their success in underserved regions.
Some state education officials are hoping that a plan approved by the State Board of Education and sent to a legislative committee for action will speed the process of letting high-performing charter schools replicate their success in underserved regions.
The State Board of Elections today released demographic statistics for the 2014 General Election.
I had my first taste of the University of Georgia in 1995 when I participated in a classical guitar competition at the flagship in Athens. Instructors in the university's music department judged me and a handful of other guitar players from around the state on our technique and performance (in case
I had my first taste of the University of Georgia in 1995 when I participated in a classical guitar competition at the flagship in Athens. Instructors in the university's music department judged me and a handful of other guitar players from around the state on our technique and performance (in case
Due to increasing numbers of flu cases, certain Vidant Health facilities are imposing stricter visitation limits.
Due to increasing numbers of flu cases, certain Vidant Health facilities are imposing stricter visitation limits.
What can be done to help the poor is a perennial issue in politics, and with it comes what is to me a real puzzler: Why do those who seem most adamant that government programs are the best way to serve the needs of the poor also seem the least interested in whether those programs actually work?
What can be done to help the poor is a perennial issue in politics, and with it comes what is to me a real puzzler: Why do those who seem most adamant that government programs are the best way to serve the needs of the poor also seem the least interested in whether those programs actually work?


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