Tuesday, August 18th, 2015 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Tuesday, August 18th, 2015


Archived Results for Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

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In his quest to restore the broken Democrat state machine in Raleigh, Roy Cooper continues to hope North Carolinians forget his record and history.
In his quest to restore the broken Democrat state machine in Raleigh, Roy Cooper continues to hope North Carolinians forget his record and history.
I doubt if there will ever be a robot that can calculate the value of a human life.
I doubt if there will ever be a robot that can calculate the value of a human life.
NC Legislature is looking to increase spending. We need to contact our reps and tell them to remain fiscally conservative.
NC Legislature is looking to increase spending. We need to contact our reps and tell them to remain fiscally conservative.
Seventy years ago on August 14, 1945, America and its Allies observed V-J Day, the end of World War II.
Seventy years ago on August 14, 1945, America and its Allies observed V-J Day, the end of World War II.
Gene weighs in on the slanted views of some publications.
Gene weighs in on the slanted views of some publications.
The General Assembly on Wednesday approved a measure allowing state government to continue spending money through the end of the month while budget writers from both chambers continue to hammer out a compromise.
The General Assembly on Wednesday approved a measure allowing state government to continue spending money through the end of the month while budget writers from both chambers continue to hammer out a compromise.
Forty-eight applicants from 28 countries became United States citizens during a naturalization ceremony held at the East Carolina Heart Institute Aug. 14. This was the first time a naturalization ceremony has been hosted on the campus of East Carolina University or in Greenville.
Forty-eight applicants from 28 countries became United States citizens during a naturalization ceremony held at the East Carolina Heart Institute Aug. 14. This was the first time a naturalization ceremony has been hosted on the campus of East Carolina University or in Greenville.
Typesetting is almost a thing of the past but it was a very skilled vocation for many years.
And let me tell you why. I know these guys, these politicians very well, all of them. It is part of what I do.
Washington Police and Fire Services would like to invite anyone who would like to come to a small ceremony.
Washington Police and Fire Services would like to invite anyone who would like to come to a small ceremony.
It has been 2 weeks since the "Great Republican Debate" and the froth and blow is going strong.
It has been 2 weeks since the "Great Republican Debate" and the froth and blow is going strong.


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