State Supreme Court candidate Chris Anglin got a temporary restraining order Monday afternoon in Wake County Superior Court, potentially restoring his Republican Party label for the Nov. 6 general election ballot
Published: Saturday, August 18th, 2018 @ 7:17 pm
By: John Locke Foundation
Stories about school supplies are a common feature of back-to-school reporting, and nearly all of them mention the fact that teachers spend their own money to prepare for the new school year
Published: Saturday, August 18th, 2018 @ 5:44 pm
By: John Locke Foundation
I think we'll start with Secretary Pompeo saying a prayer.
Published: Saturday, August 18th, 2018 @ 1:59 pm
By: Stan Deatherage
If critics of Confederate monuments truly want to accomplish their goal of removing such objects from the public square, I'm a good example of the kind of person they ought to be trying to persuade
Published: Saturday, August 18th, 2018 @ 2:34 am
By: John Locke Foundation
Jackson Paper Manufacturing Company, North Carolina's largest recycled paper producer, will open a new plant in Burke County, creating 42 jobs, Governor Roy Cooper announced today
Published: Saturday, August 18th, 2018 @ 2:33 am
By: Governor's Office
On 7-18-2018, The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Drug Unit arrested Kyle Modlin, 27 years of age, of 7190 Broad Creek Road in Washington, Benjamin Brickhouse, 35 years of age, of 135 Woolard Lane, Rodney Moore, 40 years of age, of 7190 Broad Creek Road in Washington, Jenny Pinkham, 40 years of age
Published: Saturday, August 18th, 2018 @ 2:33 am
By: Stan Deatherage