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Comments for Muslim / Christian Genocide

This goes back to the history of Mankind. The first Genocide depicted in the Bible is found in Genesis. It is the story of Cane and Abel.

About 3,000 and it is totally maintained all the way.
Commented: Friday, September 25th, 2015 @ 1:32 pm By: Gene Scarborough
How many hours on the Bobcat?
Commented: Friday, September 25th, 2015 @ 6:59 am By: Bobby Tony
Commented: Friday, September 25th, 2015 @ 4:21 am By: Gene Scarborough
BT---you and I are both Baptist and I assume you are familiar with the political activities when the Conservatives took if over with the mantra: "The end justifies the means to it." Perhaps you are aware of a situation where the pastor of any local church was dismissed. Most people assume some kind of moral failure had to be involved.

This is but a snapshot of politics these days. We have moved from "simple differences of opinion" to "all Muslims are going to hell and the President is a Muslim." That has been uttered non-stop as the Pope visits America. Mike Huckabee was a member of the Conservative Resurgence few individuals involved at the core.

His name is among the dozen or so who met in airports to plan and scheme. He became the President of the Southern Baptist Convention as further proof of the "rewards of conservatism." Each of the megachurch pastors has been appointed to head a Board or Agency as their buddies ruled from the President appointing a Committee on Committees to the point actual individuals become a Chairman or Board President.

The problem many have is failure to admit to rule by "Oligarchy" --- the opposite of a real Democracy.

Unfortunately, I am finding the means to educate myself on removal of my Bobcat rear lift piston seal which busted on the machine I am trying now to sell. A $42,000 new machine cost is easily outweighed to simply repair the cylinder spurting fluid.

If you would help me by using your superior analysis skills on social group management, it would probably not have oil and grease covering your keypad as mine will be today. Like my repair issue which shut down the mighty machine yesterday and has it parked beside a street in Bath, I am trying to tell Stan ---
Commented: Friday, September 25th, 2015 @ 4:20 am By: Gene Scarborough
Gene, you make a good point that your presence provides and alternate position to the publisher's viewpoint. Your use of the "Obviously Conservative" handle, which the publisher accepts as truth, begs the question of why you do not except the "Obviously Liberal" handle. We have been down the road on test being designed to bring all toward the center. Perhaps a good post on what is a good Liberal, Progressive, and Democratic Socialist is would be worth the effort.
I can only assume that since you believe that Conservative is a pejorative term which is thrown like a dagger you also believe that Liberal is the same and thus your reluctance to accept it.
If you will look at your stats under the BCN Member list at the top of the pages you will see that you have (206 article(s) & (1,477 comment(s). That is hardly something that qualifies as being gagged and censored.
Where you are getting off base is your tendency to use nonfactual references to specific points and then extrapolate some sinister reason for action. If you reduce the hyperbole and overly exaggerated adjectives perhaps, your points would carry more weight. Simple logic and facts should be enough to make a point without resorting to the Stamp Parade.
Try to lighten up and enjoy the ride sometimes.
Commented: Thursday, September 24th, 2015 @ 8:15 pm By: Bobby Tony
The basic plus of my presence is that a publication so obviously conservative and of the Tea Party variety has an alternate position from me and 2 others. It has grown in readership and my posts are getting abut 200+ hits each one.

If Stan likes my ability to write and we live in a free country with political issues, then he would be wise to allow for some variety and differences, in my view. When I have gotten most serious in recent articles of a view opposite his, he calls me a liberal and liar.

In reality --- and according to the tests you posted and I took --- I am just outside the middle block and to the moderate edge. That is far from the depiction Stan likes to give me without logic or proof of his analysis.

Go figure, my brother . . .
Commented: Thursday, September 24th, 2015 @ 7:25 pm By: Gene Scarborough
BCN has the ability to remove two of the three ingredients to smother this firestorm (audience and access) and yet GS you continue to childishly taunt. Like Don Quixote, I suspect you see this as a quest when it is merely a discussion requiring factual basis for ascertains made on this forum.
GS, this is not a free speech issue, you were invited to attend and required to register in order to make comments and post. BCN has the sole discretion on what is allowed on this forum. It is just like your Facebook page "Democrats Active in Beaufort County for Change (link below)" where you have control over content and require registration to make comments or post there. Save the ad hominem comments for that page, engage here with real debate and not talking points or slander.
"The laws are even MORE restrictive when you are in a private location. This includes a private person's home, their car, their back yard, and their private web forum. All of these are owned by an individual and are governed by the rules of that individual. This is a critical part of law, that an individual has full rights over what is said in the location they own.
It is nonsensical for a person in that situation to complain, "but I can paint my house blue in Orlando, Florida, so I should be able to do it here too." That comparison has nothing to do with the rules of the private entity. If a private entity chooses to make rules about X or Y, then those rules are in force in that private location. They are legally binding.
The same is true for a web forum. A web forum is a private location, run by a private entity, and maintaining a set of rules for all forum members to abide by. Those rules are publicly posted and all members need to abide by them.(1 ref available)".
The solution is simple, "Admit you used inaccurate information in your comments or that you did not bother to confirm the accusations, or produce specific facts to back your assertions".
Maybe we can then get back to real debate of issues.
Commented: Thursday, September 24th, 2015 @ 1:14 pm By: Bobby Tony
PLEEESE DON'T KEEEEEL ME MISSA STAN . . . I be sweet, I be sweeet
Commented: Thursday, September 24th, 2015 @ 6:04 am By: Gene Scarborough
There is no free speech for known dishonesty on BCN. It is known as slander, and your next comment pertaining to me or anything to do with the governing of Beaufort County will be blocked. Lies will not be tolerated here.

Or, you can truthfully explain what and when I voted to waste the People's treasure, and then you may be restored fully to the BCN community. Your choice.
Commented: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 @ 3:58 pm By: Stan Deatherage
There is a vast difference between "we shall agree to disagree" and "you are dishonest." One is the American right of free speech. The second is the way of the Nazi which was "agree and obey or I KEEEL EWE!"
Commented: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 @ 3:20 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Gene, then answer the last question posed by me, or just sincerely apologize for your dishonesty.

It is that simple.
Commented: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 @ 7:12 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan is now bordering on Dictator over Publisher. He has been omitting a comment section on my recent posts as proof of the pudding!

To "agree to disagree" is honorable / to stop comments which do not worship his type of Conservatism (Tea Party) is dictatorial.

If Stan and others will kindly read my description of the takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention --- his kind of conservatives have destroyed a great democratic ministry tool which is now falling apart rapidly . . .
Commented: Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 @ 4:59 am By: Gene Scarborough
Your straw man reality is for idiots, and you have gone there.

If you want me to see all sides of a dishonest argument, then I'll tell you what I see: You, Gene, are a dishonest person, who babbles about issues that you, in all reality, know nothing of.

You talk about "Hate" and "Greed" and "Conservative" as if it is the answer to any real question, and furthermore, and this the overarching symbol of your practiced belief 'that the end always justifies the means', there is no way that you can ever conceive the science of math. That is provable with your stupid position that if one could lower the tax values 30%, across the board, then that automatically lowers the taxes the People pay by 30%. There is no world where that math works, not even in that of a full bore Liberal / 'Middle of the Road' wannabe.

Now, Gene, you know that I now see your side of this argument, and it is as true as one day following the next - you are patently dishonest in your discourse on BCN.

As far as my credentials, they are beyond your reproach ... far beyond your reproach.

So, from here on out, if you want to attack my time as a commissioner, me as a person, or me as a professional, you better have some facts, real facts, or your comment, your post will never find its way to the the pages of BCN.

This is where I draw the line on your dishonest behavior here. This is where I can unequivocally prove your slander, and it will end now for me, and my publication.

What you do and say else where is what I choose to not make my business.
Commented: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 @ 6:09 pm By: Stan Deatherage
When you show me your real credentials and an ability to see all sides of any issue and then, with logic, defend your position, I will listen. Until then, my brother, you are a Tea Party Conservative in my view---without ability to "know thyself."
Commented: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 @ 10:30 am By: Gene Scarborough
At least I can do math. At least I am intellectually honest. And, at least my voting record reflects such, and therefore is as good, and mostly better, than any commissioner in modern Beaufort County history. And that is from a historic perspective.

These are all real events, tangible knowledge that you know have no experience with, no knowledge of, and yet you still offer an opinion as if you have good sense. You do that often on issues that you have no real knowledge of. You really should consider seeking that refund from "Dear"

Commented: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 @ 9:32 am By: Stan Deatherage
My concern is the Barbarian element I see in you. Eat / Kill / Conquer over Share / Forgive / Cooperate. You and Hood pretty well kept Beaufort County in the national mode rather than the get along mode of NC in general . . .
Commented: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 @ 5:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
You're probably right; I can do math.

Plus, I know history quite well, and can read with great retention, so, there is no way I could follow in your footsteps to Emory.

By your Emory standards, I must be:

Commented: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 @ 4:27 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan---you would not even qualify for Emory from an academic standpoint --- and you would be the crying 1/3 that flunked out for lack of an ability to reason and show the rationale behind any of your positions. Your Tea Party stupid is showing when you resort to your little stamps, man . . .
Commented: Monday, September 21st, 2015 @ 8:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Gene, I get you man.

Everything you know, you learned from:
Commented: Monday, September 21st, 2015 @ 6:44 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan FINALLY has the perfect stamp for himself!!!
Commented: Monday, September 21st, 2015 @ 3:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
For Gene, only Liberals, Socialists and Muslims are wise; everyone else is:
Commented: Monday, September 21st, 2015 @ 9:36 am By: Stan Deatherage
The last 3 days of comments alleging our President is a Muslim, are so full of STUPID as to make me laugh. Anyone who has listened to the Prayer Breakfast comments and other statements has to be an idiot to not laugh out loud at anyone dumb enough to buy it nor share it --- BUT the Republicants are now touting it once stupid more!
Commented: Sunday, September 20th, 2015 @ 5:01 pm By: Gene Scarborough
A Southern Conservative would have his eyes opened at Emory --- now, Stan, your only hope is an Emory-trained eye-ear-and-nose surgeon. Brain surgery is out of the question---unless you can shoe me the CAT SCAN that proves you have a brain rather than a Conservative Rock Substitute. . .
Commented: Saturday, September 19th, 2015 @ 8:22 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Gene, you know so little of history.

You really should seek some kind of refund from:
Commented: Saturday, September 19th, 2015 @ 2:36 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I am disappointed when anyone declares WAR a "thing we must do as humans." I agree that we have a sordid record of killing and greed as MANKIND. The White Men of the planet seem to have some kind of "delusions of grandeur" complex thinking we can rule the South and expect anyone with darker skin to bow to us and do the dirty work.

Kennedy negotiated Peace with Russia over Nuclear Testing in the Atmosphere. He wanted to keep us out of Vietnam and other Far Eastern clandestine activity. He appeared to have little to no relationship to Big Oil which thrives on war and low prices paid to the owners of the desert sands. Just now we are seeking a renewed relationship to Cuba.

The Conservative Reagan-god committed billions of our dollars on Star Wars technology that really did not produce reliable defense weapons. We out-spent Russia to the point their economy went belly up. Now we don't know who has been sold their nuclear play-toys alongside US play-toys in abundance . . .

I say: "We never find progress through war except in more technology to kill more people in the future. We have the power of the sun in our human hands---just as those who built the Tower of Babel to figure God out. Could that tower have been an ancient memory of a rocket which blew mankind back down deep in caves and radiated animals into becoming "Thunder Lizards"????

History always repeats itself. Do we learn to live more kindly and respectfully ever?????
Commented: Saturday, September 19th, 2015 @ 5:46 am By: Gene Scarborough
Go to Jesus' way of turning the other cheek and returning good for evil . . . DO YOU DARE TO TAKE THE CHANCE TO LOVE YOUR ENEMY????
Commented: Friday, September 18th, 2015 @ 7:10 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You know Ted, that is the hard truth of it.

There has never been continual peace, there will never be continual peace, and for a president to govern as if there are no threats to this American public is not only naive, it is treasonous.
Commented: Friday, September 18th, 2015 @ 4:58 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I do not see questions. I see answers. The answer is NO. We cannot live in Peace.
Never has been and never will be.
Commented: Friday, September 18th, 2015 @ 4:33 pm By: Ted McDonald
Stan requested I write an article some months ago concerning ANGER and TRUTH. This morning I did a review of my articles and this one applies to much of the political wrangling right now. It also applies to the Moslem/Christian battle from long ago --- and now renewed with the Middle East War over TERRORISM.
Commented: Friday, September 18th, 2015 @ 4:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
AT LAST --- you guys are starting to communicate your real question: "How can we stand by when heads roll in the Middle East. Maybe we should NUKE 'UM!"

The tactics of the Terrorists are the same as Early American Indians with General Custer. They knew he had better arms and more men, but lured him to Little Big Horn. He now had no fort and on the open plain they had the advantage! That was the Native American response to our GENOCIDE of them.

The same applies to 9/11 and the beheadings by the sea. It is the same kind of eye-horror as lynchings and hangings in the Frontier Days. The reality was a strange mix of entertainment and justice all mixed up in a ball. It was intended to frighten people into obeying the law. With 9/11 Bush took the bait. In the same continued battle with the Middle East, our President is attempting to negotiate Treaties and get the Troops home.

Are you both wanting me to say---"Send in all you want and damn the costs? We must win and prove we can boss the Middle East?"
Commented: Friday, May 8th, 2015 @ 4:29 am By: Gene Scarborough
Pacifism did not work before World War II, and it will not work now.

Apologies for America, while Christians perish, and Liberals find a moral equivalency to explain why the best of America still cares about a world that we helped keep relatively safe for a while.

A safer world equates to a safer America. Actually, it is a very Christian concept.
Commented: Thursday, May 7th, 2015 @ 11:01 pm By: Stan Deatherage
You see Gene, I can follow Bobby Tony here as he gets all esoteric about Alice and her stoned friends and acquaintances, but I'm having a hard time following your logic.

A bad cop, or a mistaken cop injuring someone in their care, or when arresting them is just not the same as marching 30 'dark skinned' Christians down by the Mediterranean Sea, and then carving their heads off while the camera records the depravity.

You see, I actually care about these 'dark skinned' Christians. Why do not liberals?
Commented: Thursday, May 7th, 2015 @ 9:08 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I beg your pardon, Stan---but you are doing the Conservative dance over "hate without appearing hateful." Killing is Killing--- mass or individual / hate is hate ---whether to an individual or a group.

I am trying to be to the point and stay nice, but you and Robert are so Conservative as to not see how the hateful parts of Conservatism aren't nice ~~~ in fact pure EVIL. Hitler and the Nazi Party did not see it either / the nation of Germany did awful things --- thinking they were Aryan Supremacists deserving whatever they took.

When you loose you moral center----as we did with POW Torture of Bush/Cheney----I just call it "immoral evil with stupid people not seeing the immoral part of it."

Psychosis is dangerous. Too many are suffering from such today = you DO NOT KNOW YOURSELF AND EVEN IN THE MIRROR HAVE ON A MASK OF NICE.

God is not fooled and sees you to your core of foolish humanity. Jews of the OT were convinced God commanded them to commit genocide on all the people and animals they were to conquer. Jesus just whupped tail on the Moneychangers at the Temple who suffered from the same DECEPTION, my brothers. . .
Commented: Thursday, May 7th, 2015 @ 8:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You see, the way this all works is if you can't recognize genocide, which is the purposeful extermination of a people; because of one's: race, or faith, or ideology, or for what ever reason, you will not know it when it occurs again, as you are having trouble now reconciling it for its expressed purpose right now - the genocide of Christians.

That is how 6 million Jews were exterminated, and about another 4 million: Pols, Gypsies, intellectuals, homosexuals, political adversaries, etc. were slaughtered just a tad more than 70 years ago by one nation under the wrong flag - an evil flag.

This has nothing to do with Conservatives, or John Kennedy, or Timothy McVeigh, or bad cops, or Ronald Reagan or George Bush or Dick Cheney. This is about unrecognized genocide by Islamists and Liberals; what an unholy alliance, because this all has very much to do with Barack Hussein - the 'President with dark skin' that you are infatuated with. It is his charge to deal with this, and he has not.

But one thing is for sure, his constituents sure get their food stamps on a card and their subsidized health care, their housing, etc, etc.
Commented: Thursday, May 7th, 2015 @ 8:38 pm By: Stan Deatherage
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