FLASHBACK: When You've Lost Asheville ... Even Asheville Thought Charlotte's Bathroom Mandate Went Too Far | Eastern North Carolina Now

In 2015, Charlotte's Democrat City Council Originally Voted Down The Bathroom Ordinance

News Release:

Even Asheville Thought In 2015, Charlotte's Democrat City Council Originally Voted Down The Bathroom Ordinance Went Too Far

    Asheville's Liberal Mayor, City Council Chose Not To Adopt Charlotte's Radical Bathroom Mandate

        •  "Asheville is not in that position, [Mayor Esther Manheimer] said, and is like 'anywhere else' in the United States that doesn't have rules about who can or can't use bathrooms available to the public in private or public places". (Joel Burgess, "Asheville councilmembers say LGBT restrooms unneeded," Asheville Citizen-Times, 3/31/2016)

    Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts Admits She Thought About Leaving Out The Mandate After A Failed City Council Vote, But Pushed It Through Anyway

    In 2015, Charlotte's Democrat City Council Originally Voted Down The Bathroom Ordinance

        •  "Charlotte LGBT Ordinance Fails 6-5 In Contentious Meeting." (Ely Portillo & Mark Price, "Charlotte LGBT Ordinance Fails 6-5 In Contentious Meeting," The Charlotte Observer, 3/2/2015)

    Despite the City Council's Rejection, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts Brought Ordinance Up For A Second Vote

        •  "At the urging of Mayor Jennifer Roberts, City Council will give the nondiscrimination ordinance another look." (Ty Chandler & Sarah Hagen, "City Council to tackle non-discrimination ordinance-- again," WCNC, 2/1/2016)

    Houston Voters Rejected A Similar City Council Ordinance By Wide Margins

        •  "The measure failed by a vote of 61 percent to 39 percent." (Manny Fernandez & Mitch Smith, "Houston Voters Reject Broad Anti-Discrimination Ordinance ", The New York Times, 11/3/2015)

    Contact: North Carolina Republican Party


Should Americans be thankful for North Carolinians setting precedent in taking a stand for their state's right to manage the safety of their public facilities, where separation of the sexes remains, or should they follow Bruce Springsteen's lead and boycott the state as bigots since they will not allow grown Transgender men to use the same bathrooms /locker rooms as pre-pubescent girls?
  North Carolina is right to control the separation of the sexes as a matter of decorum and safety.
  North Carolina is a bigoted state to not require that children of opposite sexes share the same public facilities with adults of the opposite sex, although misidentified - the Transgender.
  I generally prefer the natural environs of the vacant, although rather public, large tree.
253 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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