As NC Dems Convene, Can Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross Answer These Questions? | Eastern North Carolina Now

As the North Carolina Democrat Party (NCDP) stages its state convention, the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) is encouraging the media and voters to ask Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross the following questions

Press Release:

    Raleigh, N.C.     As the North Carolina Democrat Party (NCDP) stages its state convention, the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) is encouraging the media and voters to ask Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross the following questions:

1. Do you support the Democrats' plan to raise income taxes?

    Background: The NCDP is scheduled to consider several resolutions calling for higher income taxes, including one that would create a 50% federal income tax. In addition to the 50% federal income tax, a higher state income tax is also being advocated.

2. Do you support a 15 dollar minimum wage, even if it forces business to close?

    Background: This small business mandate is schedule to be debated at NCDP's state convention.

3. Do you still support Obamacare even though premiums have skyrocketed?

    Background: Since January of 2015, rates have skyrocketed as much as 50% for some plans in North Carolina. In April, UnitedHealth decided to leave North Carolina's marketplace in 2017 due to Obamacare and just last month Aetna and Blue Cross and Blue Shield requested rate hikes for their 2017 plans.

4. Do you support NCDP's resolution against higher sales taxes? If so, why did they vote for higher sales taxes while in the North Carolina Legislature?

    Background: The NCDP is debating this resolution at its state convention. Cooper and Ross both voted for multiple sales tax increases while in the North Carolina Legislature.

5. Do you and the NC Democrats really support lower tuition?

    Background: The NCDP is scheduled to debate a resolution supporting a constitutional amendment requiring taxpayers to provide free tuition to all state university students. This would cost taxpayers billions and require massive tax increases.

    At the same time, Democrats this week helped kill a bill to lower tuition at several state universities, including our historically black colleges and universities. So which is it - free tuition costing taxpayers billions or opposition to Republican efforts to lower the cost of college for working families?

    To schedule an interview, please call: (919) 671-1050

  • Contact: NCGOP Communications

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