Governor Cooper Vetoes HB 370 | Eastern North Carolina Now

Today, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed House Bill 370

Press Release:

    RALEIGH: Today, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed the following bill:

    Gov. Cooper shared the following statement on his veto of House Bill 370:

    "This legislation is simply about scoring partisan political points and using fear to divide North Carolina. As the former top law enforcement officer of our state, I know that current law allows the state to jail and prosecute dangerous criminals regardless of immigration status. This bill, in addition to being unconstitutional, weakens law enforcement in North Carolina by mandating sheriffs to do the job of federal agents, using local resources that could hurt their ability to protect their counties. Finally, to elevate their partisan political pandering, the legislature has made a sheriff's violation of this new immigration duty as the only specifically named duty violation that can result in a sheriff's removal from office."

  • Contact: Ford Porter

Should North Carolina's state government allow its counties' sheriffs to follow the dictates of their political whim regarding their participation with ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) in enforcing the immigration laws of the United States of America?
  No, county sheriffs are duly elected by the electorate of their individual counties, and should only follow the political whim of their constituents regarding undocumented aliens.
  Yes, county sheriffs are sworn to enforce the laws of both state and Republic, and should work in concert with federal agencies sworn to abide by the Constitution of our United States.
  I have no opinion because I refuse to be smart enough to actually care either way.
79 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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( April 2nd, 2020 @ 1:58 pm )
Stan Deatherage I would encourage your readers to look up the interview on the internet with Fox News! They report we decide. I am a conservative Republican and I support the core values of the Republican Party!
( April 2nd, 2020 @ 1:56 pm )
I would like to comment on one of the questions in this poll regarding HB 370.

Speaking of left wing dreams we have a sheriff of Beaufort County that said on Fox News it’s a sheriffs right to hold or not hold a criminal illegal for ICE. He guesses they the sheriffs are doing what’s in their heart he said. I say A sheriff’s right over the safety and welfare of the citizens of this county, our state, our country they are to serve and protect?? Isn’t that in direct contrast on what Trump is doing? Absolutely!! Trump called out Cooper for vetoing the bill and our sheriff saying it’s a sheriffs right! What is going on here?
Side note- as of now holding criminal illegals for ICE is a request to the sheriffs- the N.C. state representatives voted and passed a bill called HB 370 requiring sheriffs to hold criminal illegals for ICE and not release them back on the streets and in our counties. The democrat governor vetoed it. And this was our sheriffs response. He didn’t stand against Cooper vetoing the bill instead he said its a sheriffs right to not hold them. It’s on Fox News video. You can look it up! Unbelievable and wrong!!!
And might I add as long as this is only a request let’s say a criminal illegal is released back on the street by a sheriff that saids he will work with ICE although just a request and he releases a criminal illegal back on the street that commits another crime perhaps of a violent nature. The sheriff can then say well it was only a request and he slipped through by accident. I didn’t have to hold them. It’s not a thou shalt it’s only a request!!
A sheriffs right over the safety of the citizens of our county. Need I say more? Something is not right!!!

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