Erica Smith Stands With “The Squad” | Eastern North Carolina Now

During an interview last night with Spectrum News, North Carolina State Senator Erica Smith again voiced her support for the radical liberal agenda, refusing to dispute the charge that she stands with “The Squad.”

Press Release:

Democratic Candidates in the North Carolina Senate Race Continue to Align With Radical DC Liberals

    Charlotte, N.C.     During an interview last night with Spectrum News, North Carolina State Senator Erica Smith again voiced her support for the radical liberal agenda, refusing to dispute the charge that she stands with "The Squad." Instead, Smith praised the group of freshman Congresswomen consisting of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, claiming they "put people above politics."

    SPECTRUM NEWS' TIM BOYUM: "Do you stand by 'The Squad' though as they are known?"

    ERICA SMITH: "Well, I certainly look at some of the things that they've done in calling out our president and calling our president to task on not putting people above politics - And so, as I respect anyone who is serving in an elected position, Tim, because this is a tough job."

    Watch the interview HERE.


    It should come as no surprise that Smith only had nice things to say about a group of lawmakers who have called for the elimination of private health insurance, trillions in new tax increases, decriminalizing border crossings, impeaching President Trump and cutting off aid to Israel. The state Senator has been endorsing some of those same far-left positions, as well as the ones being pushed in the Democratic presidential primary, since she entered the race.

    Erica Smith has recently -

  • Praised for Elizabeth Warren's defense of Medicare for All during the second presidential debate (Twitter, 7/30/19)
  • Supported the Green New Deal (The Hardy Report, 8/11/19, 13:47)
  • Supported Sheila Jackson Lee's reparations bill (Twitter, 7/30/19)
  • Said President Trump has committed "tons of impeachable offenses" and that she would like to see him "behind bars" (The Rick Smith Show, 8/13/19, 1:17:20)

    Smith is not the only candidate in the North Carolina Democratic primary that is racing to the left. During his only substantive interview since joining the race, Cal Cunningham told Spectrum News' Tim Boyum that he supports impeachment and called the ideas coming out of the Democratic presidential primary "refreshing."

    "Through her comments last night, Erica Smith provided just another example of how the field in the North Carolina Democratic primary is no different from "The Squad" or the radical liberals running for president," said Tillis campaign manager Luke Blanchat. "While Senator Tillis is working with President Trump to implement pro-growth policies, confirm conservative judges, and enforce our immigration laws, Cal Cunningham and Erica Smith stand with 'The Squad' and would be rubber stamps for their socialist agenda."

  • Contact: Luke Blanchat

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