Be careful at the Beaufort County Republican Headquarters | Eastern North Carolina Now

The saga continues


Normally one would think a political party that opened a headquarters during the campaign season would endeavor to provide wholesome assistance to all Republican voters.  That is, handing out signs, providing campaign brochures, promoting the various fund raisers, assembling mailers and otherwise presenting a wholesome appearance to the public.  A lot of these things do happen at the Republican headquarters on Minute Man Lane in the Pamlico Plaza Shopping Center.  There are other more sinister things going on also.

The most recent incident was last week.  I got calls complaining about the cancelling of the showing of the film titled “My Son Hunter”.  The showing of the film with the date and the location was presented by Chairman Garris to the Beaufort County Republican Executive Committee.  There were no objections.  Some advertising was done. People showed up to see the film and were told it had been cancelled.   No particular reason was given.  With a little digging we discovered the Chairman, Carolyn Garris suddenly decided to cancel the film because she wanted to use the headquarters to assemble a mailer for a candidate.   Chairman Garris had no authority to do this because the Executive Committee had given a consensus approval.  This is another insult and black eye handed to the Executive Committee and Republicans.  Garris thinks she has been anointed, not elected.  This damages the reputation of all Republicans. It is impolite insensitive and rude.

Another insult was handed to those who did show up.  They were told to sign in by Jody Forrest.  All of those who thought they were signing in were actually signing a petition to change the way we elect commissioners in Beaufort County.  Several were told they had no choice but to sign.  Some people realized what was happening and refused to sign.

This is another example of corruption by Chairman Garris.  Because of the controversy surrounding this secret petition, the Executive Committee voted to remove the petition from the headquarters.  The petition has never been approved by the Executive Committee.  In direct defiance of the wishes of the Executive Committee Chairman Garris and Jody Forrest are continuing to twist the arms of people to sign the petition.  Many are told they must sign the petition because it is approved by the Republican Party.  Another untruth.

We realize that the limited voting system is not popular in some places because the voter has only one vote each election (every two years).  However, the proposed system being pushed by Chairman Garris and Jody Forrest only allows one vote for a commissioner every four years. This is a scheme by a few Republicans who are clueless about the welfare of the public.  Any change in the way we elect commissioners will require the participation of a variety of interests including the Democrats, the commissioners and the federal courts.

Chairman Garris and a few other Republicans believe they have been elected dictators.  They are trying to seize power.

There have been complaints that Jody Forrest and Paul Varcoe, along with Garris, are steering the uninformed voters to vote for their darling Fake Frankie Waters for commissioner.  They slyly tell people that Stan Deatherage, Tandy Dunn and Hood Richardson are liberal   RINOs. 

Carolyn Garris kept the retirement of the Register of Deeds secret from the Executive Committee until she had lined up her votes. Then, without the approval to the Executive Committee, she made up the rules for the election, including setting a very early date for the Executive Committee to vote.  She dictated this without the approval of the Executive Committee.  Her corrupt practices were discovered during the voting for Register of Deeds.  She had her majority there and all was fixed at the last minute.  The Register of Deeds is currently paid $87,000 per year.  Now you know the rest of the story.

The headquarters is pushing liberal Republican Frankie Waters over conservatives Stan Deatherage and Tandy Dunn.  Waters, during a forum at the Community College, stated that he was not conservative and did not want any help from conservatives.  He went on to say he did not care about anyone but his son’s grandchildren.  Waters and his team of Democrats (Langley and Booth) and the RINO (Rebholz) raised spending more than 10 million dollars in Beaufort County this year.  That is a 16 percent spending increase.

Be careful around the Republican Headquarters.

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( October 27th, 2022 @ 9:33 am )
Be this as it may be, the biggest RINO out there this election is Frankie Waters. Years of doing deals with Democrats has left him openly supporting the liberal Democrat candidate for sheriff. Years of alliance by Waters with Jerry Langley makes this really no surprise. Waters only changed to Republican on paper weeks before he started running for county commissioner. He has always been a phony and at Democrat in Drag.
( October 27th, 2022 @ 7:43 am )
I just got another bad report from one of my constituents, complaining that there were none of my signs at the headquarters when he went to pick some up.

A heads up would have been nice to that effect that more were needed.

Herman Gaskins and courthouse politics in Beaufort County Editorials, Beaufort Observer, Op-Ed & Politics Who will win in November’s elections?


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