Brazil’s New Leftist Regime Allows Iran To Dock Two Warships Involved In Terrorism In Rio De Janeiro | Eastern North Carolina Now

New leftist Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva allowed the Islamic Republic of Iran to dock two warships in Rio de Janeiro over the weekend, sparking fears about how close a U.S. adversary is operating near America’s shores.

    Publisher's Note: This post appears here courtesy of the The Daily Wire. The author of this post is Ryan Saavedra.

    New leftist Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva allowed the Islamic Republic of Iran to dock two warships in Rio de Janeiro over the weekend, sparking fears about how close a U.S. adversary is operating near America's shores.

    The city's port authority said in a statement that the IRIS Makran and IRIS Dena naval vessels docked at the port on Sunday.

    Brazil did not allow the ships to dock at the port last month when Lula flew to Washington, D.C., to meet with President Joe Biden, Reuters reported.

    With Lula now back from D.C., Brazilian officials gave the ships permission to dock at the port from February 26 until March 4.

    "In the past, those ships facilitated illegal trade and terrorist activities, and have also been sanctioned by the United States," U.S. Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley said at a press conference earlier this month. "Brazil is a sovereign nation, but we firmly believe those ships should not dock anywhere."

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded to the news that the ships had docked in a Western Hemisphere port by explaining the danger that the situation represents to Americans.

    "The docking of Iranian warships in Brazil is a dangerous development and a direct threat to the safety and security of Americans," Cruz said. "These Iranian warships are already sanctioned, and so the port in Rio de Janeiro where they docked is now at risk of crippling sanctions, as are any Brazilian companies that provided them services or accepted payments-and so are all foreign companies that entangle themselves with the port or those Brazilian companies in the future."

    "The Biden administration is obligated to impose relevant sanctions, reevaluate Brazil's cooperation with U.S. antiterrorism efforts, and reexamine whether Brazil is maintaining effective antiterrorism measures at its ports," Cruz added. "If the administration does not, Congress should force them to do so."

    Iranian warships plan to get even closer to the U.S., according to the commander of Iran's Navy, Rear Admiral Shahram Irani, who said last month that Iran's navy plans "to be present in the Panama Canal."

    Joseph Humire, the executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS), told The Washington Free Beacon that Iran's goal "has always been to have a military presence in Latin America, so it's not surprising at all for its navy to announce it's going to make moves on the Panama Canal. ... This is a tremendous escalation if it is to happen. Many people may discount Iran in terms of its capabilities ... but I would not discount it because they have been building to this for a very long time."

Among the many other lackluster performance standards by the Biden Administration - the most recent, allowing the Chinese Spy Balloon unfettered access to the skies above this Sovereign Republic - Joe Biden's foreign policy is considered by most true experts to be mediocre to abysmal at best. If one were to give a fair assessment of the quality of this apex duty of this Executive Branch: What would be your opinion of the Biden Administration's Foreign Policy initiatives and, or obvious faux pas?
  President Biden is a Foreign Policy expert of consummate skill just like his brother, Jim, and his son, Hunter.
  America's First Idiot President is corruptly committed to making the World far less safe, while surrendering OUR United States of America's sovereignty whenever, wherever possible.
  Mr. Biden is MY President because I pay close attention to only what rewards me, thus demanding as little sacrifice as is my nature to offer, or shrug.
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