Beloved Aunt Beautifully Memorialized By Decal On PT Cruiser | Eastern North Carolina Now

A deceased woman's most heartfelt wishes were finally realized this week, as a local family beautifully memorialized their beloved Aunt Millie by placing a decal bearing her name in the window of their Chrysler PT Cruiser.

    Publisher's note: This post appears here on Eastern NC NOW with the expressed permission of the Babylon Bee - friends that can find your funny bone in a very dark room.

    ANAHEIM, CA     A deceased woman's most heartfelt wishes were finally realized this week, as a local family beautifully memorialized their beloved Aunt Millie by placing a decal bearing her name in the window of their Chrysler PT Cruiser.

    "It's what she would've wanted," said Carmen Lopez of her dearly departed Aunt Millie. "As long as I've known her, she always said that when she died, the most important thing to her was to have a memorial sticker in her honor stuck to our car window. Now, we've fulfilled those wishes. Rest in peace, Millie. You'll be a part of our PT Cruiser forever."

    When Millie was living, her family members pleaded with her to allow them to do something to show their love for her when she was gone. "We suggested so many different things," Carmen said. "We wanted to do a large grave marker, have a fountain at the park dedicated to her with a plaque, or even start a charitable foundation to make a difference in the world. But, nope. Aunt Millie wanted a car window decal."

    Now, the Lopez family takes their memory of Millie with them wherever they go. "It really makes her life mean something," Carmen's husband, José said. "It's truly important to us - as it was to her - that people behind us in the drive-thru line at Carl's Jr. see our display of love for our Aunt Millie."

    At publishing time, the Lopez family expressed hope that the legacy left behind by Aunt Millie would continue to be seen by everyone, even as they drive recklessly down the 5 Freeway.
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