UPDATE: Farmer protests against what they call the "climate scam" and "climate communism" have now spread to Spain and Belgium. In France the siege of Paris has intensified as farmers from all over the country have arrived to bolster the roadblocks around Paris. Farmers say the EU (and Belgian national) capital of Brussels will be next on their list to besiege. Concessions offered by France's prime minister have been rejected by farmers as not enough.
Food production has been in the crosshairs of the climate alarmist zealots for some time, leading to ongoing mass protests by farmers accross Europe. Polls on the subject show that citizens overwhelmingly support the farmers over the climate zealots and their regulations. We are seeing a new "French revolution" this time against government climate tyranny.
Now, food production is on the menu of the World Health Organization's Chinese-installed Director General Tedros, the first non-physician to head that agency (Tedros is a former Ethiopean Foreign Minister). Tedros has announced a full scale jihad against food production, proclaiming that "our food systems are harming the health of people and planet."
What do the climate alarmists want us to eat? Crickets and mealworms are high on their menu of choice. Both can be bought currently as food for chickens at Tractor Supply, but the climate crazies want to skip the chicken and feed them directly to us. If you want to see what climate alarmists want to put on your menu, take a trip down to Tractor Supply.
Want to grow your own vegetables in your backyard garden? The climate crazies want to shut that down, too. A new "scientific study" from the University of Michigan claims that people growing their own food is "bad for the environment". To them, it is better for the government or the elite to do that for you.
Another climate alarmist attack on food production is through the UN-organized Net Zero Banking Alliance, in which some of America's largest banks participate, and whose ESG investing will hurt food production according to a group of state agriculture officials.
Former Czech President and Prime Minister Dr. Vaclav Klaus, said it best when he called climate alarmism "a budding totalitarian ideology that is the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world today."
Bubba said:
( January 31st, 2024 @ 1:22 pm )
It is high time we had an outpouring of US farmers to shut down Biden's climate communism by shutting down Washington, DC. Hooray for those European farmers.
I'm an American. The Czech President don't mean much to me.
Well, Little Bobbie, have you ever been elected to mulitple terms as prime minister of a country then mulitple terms as president? No, I didn't think so. Ever earned a PhD? No, I didn't think so. Ever written a book published in eight languages? No, I didn't think so. That Czech president has accompanished a whole lot more than an internet troll like yourself who does not even produce his own material, just regurgitates it from the far left talking points. If you want to see a real crackpot, Little Bobbie, just look in a mirror.
Also, Bobbie, it is clear that your role model is Chicken Little. |
When the earth begins to cool, I will gladly admit defeat.
My plan as of right now is to cook with the rest of you. Nothing can be done. |
Yeah, the former Czech President. That’s who we should be paying attention to. He’s a real crackpot.
That former Czech President sure hit the nail on the head on what the globalists are up to with climate alarmism. Thank God for those European farmers and for Donald Trump.
"True" in Little Bobbie's Orwellian definition means "consistent with the leftwing narrative" and I would agree that the leftwing is not wanting to tell all of this yet. But the study by U of Michigan and statements from WHO boss Tedros are there and even Little Bobbie cannot deny them. So are numerous suggestions from the climate crazies that we ought to be eating bugs and worms instead of meat.
The farmer revolt across Europe, and the public support for it against the climate crazies are also fact. Indeed, the French farmers just upped the ante by laying seige to Paris cutting off access. |
Almost none of this is true.
The elite faction (CCA DMF MFC) of the recreational fishery in NC serves very well the idealolgy of the climate alarmist. I ask, first and foremost, is a fish more important as food or fun? A nation that cannot feed itself cannot defend itself. Remember that.
Primary Elections provide a way to clean up political parties | Rant & Rave, Editorials, Beaufort Observer, Op-Ed & Politics | Unauthorized Pro-Hamas Protest Erupts At Columbia University |