Primary Elections provide a way to clean up political parties | Eastern North Carolina Now

If you want to change government you must vote the change the people who have been running the government.



Conditions at all levels of government are causing incumbents great concern this year.  Most of us are keenly aware that both action and inaction on the part of local, state and federal elected officials has caused all of us harm and discomfort.  With illegal immigrants, uneducated children, harmful inflation, growing drug problems, wars in the Ukraine and Gaza and a new instability in the Middle East, every citizen who keeps up with events now has concerns about governments at all levels.  

Few political leaders have done their jobs.  Most simply have not even tried.  They are waiting on another politician to save them by taking the political hit of being unpopular because they stuck their neck out.  The hysteria of almost all incumbents tells us the public is not fooled.  Most people understand that changing the present system of government means changing the politicians.  The primary elections are looking more and more like this is one of those “throw the bums out” election years.

Indicators of future change came with the strong showing Donald J. Trump made in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries.  Other signals of change are the panic a small group of activists have brought to the Beaufort County School Board races.  A panicky Beaufort County School Board made the mistake of bringing election politics into their Board meeting.  Instead of running the schools, they spent 40 minutes electioneering and defending their behavior during the Board meeting last week.  This is very bad judgment. This behavior helped prove the accusations against them are true.  Otherwise, they would have done the business of the schools and ignored the claims of their opponents.  

Failing grades in the majority of our schools, the teaching of modern math, critical race theory and failing to set policy that produces students who know their multiplication tables, can write letters, and behave are sufficient reasons to replace any school board member.  The School Board has failed to understand their authority when it relates to discipline and curriculum.  Whatever school board members try to tell you about Raleigh bureaucrats dictating these two essential items is not true.  The School Board has that authority.  This Board has refused to act, so they need to be replaced.

There are two very expensive programs facing the public which will be started, or not, depending on who is elected Beaufort County Commissioner.  They are MEDICAID Expansion into “primary care,” and "fake affordable housing."  Either one of these has the potential to create huge bureaucracies and cost Beaufort County taxpayers millions of dollars.  The Beaufort County Health Department is moving into MEDICAID expansion and John Rebholz is working the Low Cost Housing thing.  Neither of these programs is necessary or desirable.  

There is adequate primary care in Beaufort County.  Socialists see MEDICAID financed primary care as a way to provide free medical care to everyone.  Presently, the socialists believe the Federal Government will foot the entire bill.  That is a pipe dream.  The Federal Government will eventually do as they have done with all these free programs.  They will dump the cost on the County and/or the State.  The so-called “affordable housing” has been around forever.  It is a way of providing nice modern housing to people who cannot afford it, don’t know how to take care of it, and for the most part do not work.  Drug addicts will be major expenses in both primary care and affordable housing. Elect Randy Walker and John Rebholz and you will probably get both socialist programs.

We have all heard the propaganda about electing the best and strongest candidate to run for office so we can beat the opposing political party. This comes from the State Party and is parroted by the County Parties.  This is why the Republican Party comes up with so many liberal candidates.  This is an insiders’ game, it encourages people who are elected to sell out because of the backing of the Party insiders. The purpose of the Primary Election is to select candidates who come closest to representing the beliefs and will of the average person.  Too much weight has been put on taking the recommendation of the political party, whether Democrat or Republican, in Primary elections.  The Beaufort County Republican Party is accusing the Conservative (Republican) Club of not being officially true Republicans and ordering the public to not support them or give them money because the Republican Party says so.  That simply tells you they are worried about whether you, the voter, learns what is really going on.

Let us look at the Beaufort County Republican Party and see who you want to support.  Their candidates support Medicaid Expansion into primary care by the Beaufort County Health Department, low cost housing headed up by John Rebholz a candidate for Commissioner, Frankie Waters sits on the Executive Committee and writes checks to Democrats, a Register of Deeds who suddenly, on her own stopped archiving hard copies of deeds without the approval of the County Commissioners, supported putting several million dollars of County money into internet expansion.  Internet expansion, broad band, was pushed by the Obama and Biden administrations so the government can have more places to spy on our citizens.  The Beaufort County Republican Party supports incumbent school board members who have done nothing about poor student discipline, purchased canned curriculums that are shot full of woke social programs like critical race theory and LGBTQ teaching.

By the way, the Republican Party is supposed to be fair to all Republican candidates by not taking a position during primary elections.  They are failures at fairness.

The conservative Republicans are trying to make government smaller and reduce taxes ten percent.   

Conservative Republicans and the Beaufort County Republican Party Executive Committee are poles apart.

Be thoughtful and do not allow the RINOs to make you feel guilty for not voting their way.  You have a very clear and different choice in the 2024 Beaufort County Republican primary elections.  For the first time in recent memory, we have a full slate of conservative candidates running in the March 5 primary. 

Government will not change unless you change the people who are running government.  

Primary elections provide our democratic republic with the tools to change government without bloodshed.  This is what makes the United States so unique and important in this world.

Conservative Republican candidates are Tim Melton for Register of Deeds; Ray Start, Stacey Davis, and Brian Wood for School Board; and Tandy Dunn, Steve Carawan, and Hood Richardson for County Commissioner.

We believe thinning or eliminating The RINO herd will be good for every citizen, the county and the Republican Party.  The March 5 primary election is an opportunity to clean up the Republican Party and return to conservative values.

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( January 28th, 2024 @ 4:33 pm )
Often the best conservative candidate is also the strongest candidate.

Take the current governor's primary. Of course all three loudly proclaim themselves "conservative", but one, Bill Graham, has a liberal record on a number of issues and has been endorsed by liberal Senator Thom Tillis, and another, Mark Robinson is missing in action on virtually all issues, afraid of his own shadow when it comes to actually engaging on issues in spite of his forceful speeches. Robinson is all talk and no do.

Both of those candidates have flaws beyond their positions on issues. Robinson has a lot of personal baggage from his past which would be grist for the Democrats and their media allies' mill. Several of Graham's lawsuit have made farmers his mortal enemy, and if the farmer vote abandons a Republican, like they surely would Graham, he is unelectable.

Dale Folwell, the most effective and dependable conservative in the group is also the most electable. He has the ability to reach out into groups that usually vote Democrat. For example, his steady work as State Treasurer to defend our state pension fund and state health plan has earned Folwell the endorsement of the state employees association, a group that usually supports Democrats and which represents a substantial block of votes in November.

VOting for the best conservative in the governor's primary also means voting for the strongest candidate against Josh Stein.

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