Illegal alien on terrorist watch list caught in Gates County , North Carolina | Eastern North Carolina Now

reported on WTIB this morning


As reported on WTIB radio this morning, an illegal alien on the terrorist watch list has been arrested in Gates County, right here in rural eastern North Carolina.  He was arrested on another matter and tried to take away the deputy's gun to use against him, but the deputy kept control.  After he was booked, the sheriff's department found he was on a "no bail" list of the very worst potential terrorists on the watch list.  The sheriff's department found "military style equipment" at his residence. There is no word yet on when and how he got across the border, whether the Biden greeters at the border just let him in without vetting him or whether he took advantage of the weak border security to sneak across.  But he was right here in eastern North Carolina where he was hiding out.

Also reported on WTIB this morning, NC's own conservative Senator Ted Budd attempted to get the Laken Riley Act, already passed by the House, on the Senate calendar for consideration.  This bill would require that illegal aliens who commit a list of crimes in the US be detained and deported.  The Democrats blocked consideration.

Biden and his Democrats are repeatedly showing their hands as globalist enemies of the American people.  It is only a matter of time before we see a major terrorist event result from Biden's open borders.  We are already seeing way too much crime result from it. 

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( March 16th, 2024 @ 8:43 am )
You must be using Common Core Math, Little Bobbie. Back in the real world, all you have to do is look at real numbers of illegal aliens coming across the border. A whole lot has changed between Trump and Biden on illegal alien invasion, and it has to do with Biden's revokation of over 60 Trump executive orders on the subject and Biden's arrogant refusal to enforce America's duly adopted immigration laws.
Jeff said:
( March 15th, 2024 @ 6:16 pm )
Hang Biden before he kills us all
Jeff said:
( March 15th, 2024 @ 6:19 pm )
Hang Biden before he kills us all ,he is committing treason,I don't understand why the other border states don't foller Texas border watch
Big Bob said:
( March 15th, 2024 @ 6:25 pm )
He talked a lot, but if not for Covid, nothing changed
( March 15th, 2024 @ 5:19 pm )
Trump tightened things up a lot with executive orders to stop illegal alien crossings. Biden revoked all of those EOs his first day. Biden also stopped building the border wall. Trump did a lot to crack down on illegal immigration, and he will do that again. A lot can be fixed simply by enforcing the immigration laws as written, that scoflaw Biden refuses to enforce. There are lots of things that really need legislation which the Democrats refuse to do, like ending automatic citizenship by birth (which most developed countries do NOT have), ending chain migration, and severely tightening up the much abused asylum laws.
Big Bob said:
( March 15th, 2024 @ 4:32 pm )
I thought that was the gun laws?
( March 15th, 2024 @ 4:13 pm )
Illegal immigration is easy to solve and there is already a solution, all's that needs to be done is enforce the laws that are on the books. The only thing that is broken is the federal govt failing to do it's job in enforcing laws that already exist.
Big Bob said:
( March 15th, 2024 @ 4:06 pm )
Illegal immigration, to important as an election issue to solve. Anyone want to bet if Trump wins, nothing changes?
( March 15th, 2024 @ 9:15 am )
America desperately needs to restore our Deporter in Chief Donald Trump to the presidency and rid outselves of this anti-American imposter Biden.

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