FEMA whistleblower says workers told to skip houses with Trump signs | Eastern North Carolina Now

does whole of governmente need to be de-politicized?


 FEMA whislteblowers have come forward with text messages from their superiors telling them NOT to provide assistance to homes that displayed support of President Trump.  They provided the screenshots of the text messages to the Daily Wire.  The workers were assisting in disaster relief after hurricaine Milton in Florida, but it raises the questions if this has gone on with other hurricaines this year.  The text message said it was "best practice" to skip over houses advertising Trump.

It has already come out that FEMA is eaten up with the Marxist and racist cancer known as DEI, which needs to be competely eradicated.  Now it is even worse, with outright political partisanship by the agency.

DEI and political partianship permeate way too much of federal government under the current regime, and it will be up to Trump to depoliticize government agencies.





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( November 10th, 2024 @ 8:52 pm )
The administrator at FEMA who sent out that text has now been fired but she says she was scapegoated and it came from higher up in FEMA. The Trump administration is going to have its hands full straightening out these corrupted federal agencies.

The question is increasingly being asked if this also happened in North Carolina:
( November 9th, 2024 @ 8:53 am )
Everyone responsibe for this travesty needs to be identified and fired. Government services should not be denied upon politics, race, gender, or any other thing that separates people.

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