Green energy disaster: power prices soaring as wind stops blowing for periods | Eastern North Carolina Now

weather dependant wind and solar is expensive and unreliable


Using wind turbines to make electricity is expensive and unreliable.  One of its flaws is that "wind droughts" happen where the wind just stops blowing for days, weeks, or even months.  A few years ago, Germany and the UK were hit hard by wind droughts that lasted months, where their wind turbines produced little or no electricity.  It was only power imports from coal fired Poland and nuclear powered France that kept the lights on.

Now that EU Green Deal policies have strongarmed Poland into using more wind power, they have been hit with a wind drought that has caused their power prices to soar for families, while many induxtries simply had their power cut off to keep the grid up.

Mickey Mouse power production by wind and solar is nothing but a disaster for consumers, whether families or businesses.

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( November 17th, 2024 @ 12:45 pm )
At least 3 deer killed at night w/in 8 days, at SAME spot on west 5th street, close to PC Sound.
Within the last hour, I think abt 60 speeding cars have run over the carcass smearing it all over 5th street. Soon there will be nothing left of it but mush & crushed bones.
The cars are going 50 mph and so they cant see it in time to move over.

I think City of Washington may need a deer crossing warning sign here on west 5th street. Or... the NC transportation Dept should slow the traffic down. 50 mph speed limit here in the city limts is too fast here, where all these houses have tiny driveways, that ppl need to almost stop to turn into, is too fast.

We asked the NC dept of Transportation to slow the traffic, but they said the City of Washington didnt want it slowed.

We asked the city police to call someone to move it, the dispatcher told me the highway is not their jurisdiction.

At 50mph the deer are in danger from speeding vehicles, & the people are in danger too. 50 mph is too fast
( November 10th, 2024 @ 9:14 pm )
2 deer killed at night within 2 days, at SAME spot.
That makes one each day of this weekend.

I think City of Washington may need a deer crossing warning sign here on west 5th street. Or... the NC transportation Dept should slow the traffic down. 50 mph speed limit here near PC Sound, where all these houses have tiny driveways, that ppl need to almost stop to turn into, is too fast.
All the overhead street lamps within the City limits, on 5th street, make deer crossing a friendly opportunity... except that at 50mph the deer are in danger from speeding vehicles.
Even without the deer being killed...its too fast, because it is just a block from the traffic light where a busy intersection is being built up with multiple businesses.

Hey Stan, may I suggest that you set up a comments board for "Daily Musings" around Washington, and Beaufort county? Local information is important to a healthy community.
( November 9th, 2024 @ 8:51 am )
Solar is just as bad. It stops producing every night with reducing production in late afternoon and early morning. Other weatehr conditions like rain, clouds, snow, frost, fog, etc. also reduce or eliminate power production from solar. Wind and solar are indeed expensive and unreliable.

Power prices in wind and solar obsessed Germany are the highest in the world and that is causing an upsurge in bankruptcies of German companies, as well as German companies moving abroad. Wind and solar are a sure way to kill an economy.

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