European left using lawfare against populist conservatives like attacks on Trump | Eastern North Carolina Now

Italy's Matteo Salvini acquitted in first of Stalin Show Trials


After the American left's "lawfare" against President Trump with "trumped up" fake charges in multiple courts, the European left has adopted the same strategy against populist conservatives there.  Italy's Matteo Slavini, France's Marine LePen, and Austria's  Herbert Kickl have all been targers of leftwing prosecutors, just like Trump was in the US.

Salvini, leader of the populist nationalist anti-immigration Lega Party, and Deputy Prime Minister in Giorgia Meloni's government was the first target.  Left wing prosecutors sought to jail him for six years for his actions in the prior Conte government in blocking an illegal alien migrant "rescue" ship from docking at an Italian port.  In their convoluted thinking, the politicized prosecutors claimed that this constituted "kidnapping" of the migrants aboard.  Unlike Trump, Salvini drew a panel of honest and objective judges who saw through the nonsense and acquitted him.

In France, corrupt politicized prosecutors are targeting Marine LePen, leader of the National Rally, France's most popular party in the polls.  They are claiming that an EU parliament staffer did what amounted to campaign work for LePen's party and want to hold her responsible.  While this charge would not carry jail time even if she were found guilty, the prosecutors are attempting to find ways to manipulate it to jail her for ten years and set up the sentence so she would have to serve it in jail while appealing and be disqualified from running for president, an office for which all the polls show her to be the leading candidate.

In Austria, parliament has lifted the parliamentary immunity of Herbert Kickl, leader of the populist nationalist anti-immigration Freedom Party, the largest party in parliament to set him up for a Stalin Show Trial on trumped up charges, too.  Leftwing prosecutors are on a fishing expedition against Kickl and what they may charge is murky at best.

Austria a couple of years ago had a huge miscarriage of justice with lawfare from a Green Party prosecutor against Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who at the time was the world's youngest prime minister.  Kurz, who led the traditional conservative Peoples Party was as hardline on immigration as the Freedom Party, and his first act as Chancellor had been to inform the EU that Austria would not obey its then pending new immigration directive, which refusal derailed that directive.  Kurz also sent the Austrian army to the border backed by armored vehicles to stop illegal aliens from crossing.  Until the Green Party prosecutor's investigation was concluded, Kurz was required to step aside as Chancellor, and with the prosecutor continuing to drag his feet, Kurz finally dropped out of politics in disgust.  Nothing was ever found to charge Kurz with, but his political career was ruined, and leadership of the Peoples Party passed to a weak and vacillating successor.

American conservatives and President Trump are not alone in being victims of lawfare.  One wishes that the corrupt prosecutors involved in these political abuses could themselves be prosecuted and jailed.  Those political prosecutors are a threat to democracy.

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