The family of the helicopter pilot who flew it into the American Airlines passenger jet that was landing at Washington Reagan airport requested the army to delay announcing her name, which request was honored even after they announced the names of the other two flight crew aboard the army helicopter. When the name was finally released, it came out that she was a woman from Durham, NC, who has worked as a White House aide in the Biden White House. One photo showed her escorting Ralph Lauren down a hall to an award ceremony that happened at the end of the administration.
Now that her name is out, it has been discovered that her social media accounts have been scrubbed. One would presume that was done by her family. The question is - what were they hiding? There was a three day delay in releasing her name. Not only were her social media accounts scrubbed, but so were those of other family members. Something really smells here.
One of the few social media images that survived:
All plane crashes deserve a full investigation. By investigators. Not punk keyboard warriors sitting in their basements.
THe families of the two other servicemen and of all those people on the jet deserve the full story of what happened in this tragedy. Those who screwed up do not deserve a cover up. It is clear that the pilots of the jet did not screw up. They were right where they were supposed to be. It was the helicopter pilot who was off course and too high. All of those other families deserve an answer as to why. The other screw up was at air traffic control, where they failed to comprehend what was going on and failed to give proper instructions. The helicopter pilot and the air traffic controllers should be the focus of the investigation, and all facts need to come out that may have a bearing on their actions that night. 66 families deserve full and true answers.
One family does not deserve a coverup that leaves 66 other families in the lurch. That is especially true when it was the actions of the member of that one family who caused the losses of the other 66. This crash does deserve a full investigation. No coverups. |
Screw you bud. That family deserves better. While you sit in your basement, she volunteered to defend our country. You're nothing.
There is clearly a coverup going on here. ONe question is whether anyone at any level in the army knowingly assisted the coverup, or were they duped by the family?
Scrubbing social media is rarely done when everything is on the up and up. The social media of the other army personnel on the helicopter were not scrubbed, and neither was than of either of the pilots on the AA jet or the air traffic controllers. That is a big red flag that something is there that invesigators ought to go looking for. You can't see, Bobbie. because you are either blind or ideologically wrapped up in the fact that she was a Biden White HOuse aide and possibly a LGBQ. America needs for the investigation to get to the bottom of this tragedy and to turn over every stone that is there. She was flying way off course and way above her assigned altitude, and a key question is WHY? That needs to be answered no matter who is it painful to.
CV That was a scumbag post by a true keyboard warrior. If that were my daughter and you said that to my face, you would I'd drop you like a sack of dirt.
MAGA - now you know what they think for your sons/ daughters service |
The AA passehger jet was right where it was supposed to be. The army Blackhawk helicopter was off course and way over its assigned height while climbing further. The issue is who screwed up, the helicopter pilot or the air traffic controller or both. The next question is why? No avenue that may explain how and why this disaster happened should be off the table for investigation, even if it makes some squaemish for ideological reasons. What is happening here is a coverup of facts that may help explain what happened and that should just not be tolerated. We need to know if this was incompetnence on the part of one or more people or deliberate.
I think most service members would be concerned that if this were intemtional, then she murdered two other service members in addition to those on the commercial jet. I remember 30 or 40 years ago when a suicidal homosexual salior blew up a gun turret on a battleship during gunnery practice killing several other sailers. That one was a murder / suicide, and I think that angle at least need to be investigated here. That regardless of whether hard left loons like Bolshevik Bob claim no homoesexual would ever hurt a fly.
Sorry, this kind of scum bag posting attacking service members pissed me off.
ENC NOW handles all Comment and not the "BO," a place where NO overtly slanderous "posts are censored."
Big Bob: It is being well noticed that yu have a way of being wrong on a regular basis. |
Why does the BO allow MAGA posts trashing our military but censor those that support those who gave their life for our country?
CV should be ashamed and so should the BO. MAGA - turns on everyone including veterans. |
The pilot who was off course and far above the allowed altitude was the helicopter pilot. The real question is why she was flying where she was not supposed to be. It could have been negligence but it could have been suicide by pilot. Her state of mind is important to any investigation, and her social media posts are highly relevent to that.
Little Bobbie just wants to hush this up because she was a Biden White House aide and there is the possiblity that politics had something to do with it. He wants a whitewash.