Why Do Republicans Want to Shut Down the Federal Government? | Eastern North Carolina Now

Well, let me begin this, by emphatically stating, that not all Republicans wish to shut down the federal government.

"Crazy" Ted Cruz, like the Energizer Bunny, just keeps going, and ...

    Well, let me begin this, by emphatically stating, that not all Republicans wish to shut down the federal government. In fact, North Carolina's senior senator, Republican Richard Burr, tacitly agrees with North Carolina's junior senator, Democrat Kay Hagan, and now the NC Senior Senator is roundly quoted by Candidate Obama as stating, "defunding ObamaCare is the dumbest idea he'd ever heard of."

    So, why are virtual Senate newcomers: Ted Cruz (Texas), Mike Lee (Utah), Rand Paul (Kentucky), Marco Rubio (Florida), and the House Republicans not getting the Senator Richard Burr memo? Why are theses zealots not acquiescing to the wisdom of North Carolina's senior senator by heeding his call to cease and desist from making trouble since the Democrats, and their owned OMG (Obama Media Group), will surely rule the day by blaming all Republicans, even Senator "dumbest idea he'd ever heard" Burr, for the ensuing funding calamity? Why would any reasonable Republican politician stand in the path of that Democrat, and their owned media freight train?

    I mean, anyone with half a brain knows that the Candidate and his minions own a broad swath of what was once the Liberal Main Stream Media, converting them to the totally subservient OMG. Why would any wise political party invite that level of one sided scrutiny from these Zombie journalists, who exist to feast upon the flesh of Republicans, to figuratively eat their brains, and end their political careers?

    Just a few days ago, the normally unbiased and business centric CNBC alluded to the fact that any government shutdown would be the sole responsibility of the Tea Party Republicans, thereby throwing a short lifeline to the more "reasonable" Republicans, like North Carolina's Senator Burr, to continue to stand-up to the those strident ideologues - these 'Tea Party patriot types'. CNBC's mercurial Jim Cramer denounced the entire Tea Party movement as completely bent on 'shutting down the government as is their political platform to do so. What they (Tea Party) really want to do is to crash the stock market'.

    Jim Cramer, knowing the political heart of the Tea Party platform notwithstanding: Why are the House Republicans and the aforementioned Senate Tea Party "patriots" endeavoring to shutdown the government?

    Remarkably, within a 24 hour period of Jim Cramer's "insightful" comments, Economist Larry Lindsey, President George W. Bush's director of the National Economic Council (2001–2002), and this morning as guest host on CNBC's "Squawk Box", contrasted the bombastic Jim Cramer by explaining the Conservative Republican position as 'absent any real opportunity for any congressional budget negotiations, this is as close as Republicans can get to bringing Democrats to the table to actually pass a budget.'

    In the last four years the Democrat controlled senate has refused to perform their constitutional duty to legislate a federal budget. Furthermore, on that same program, Economist Lindsey stressed how critical it was to reduce the national debt, which is currently over 17 trillion dollars, and that GDP growth for 2013 will be far less than Candidate Obama's predicted 3.2 percent.

    Today, these Senate Republicans, who must thank the Tea Party movement for their respective elections, performed a "non-filibuster" filibuster for 21 hours and 19 minutes to encourage their Republican brethren in the U.S. Senate to join them, and the House Republicans by bucking-up and do what is fiscally prudent: defund ObamaCare and prepare to seek a responsible fiscal budget, at all costs, because the consequences of the alternative will be catastrophic.

    Hapless Harry Reid, the Democrat Senate Majority Leader, whose political legacy is his predilection for not passing a reasonable federal budget for the last four years, decried on the Senate floor that "crazy" Ted Cruz's and friend's efforts was a "big waste of time." This from the man who claimed that he did not have time to read and understand ObamaCare because he needed to 'get back to Nevada, his constituents and his Pomegranate trees.'

    For me, I celebrate "crazy" Ted Cruz for his honest ambition to complete his campaign promise to stand in defiance of ObamaCare. Moreover, I pray that a solid majority of his fellow colleagues in the U.S. Senate understand the good sense of his fiscal prerogatives, and act accordingly, for Ted Cruz's inspiring principled wisdom to stand for Conservative Ideals, when these ideals may be the only governing tonic that will save this Republic, is an imperative that I too understand and do appreciate.

    Until an alternative is found to better represent these substantive ideals, in the United States Senate, from here in North Carolina, I will just have to consider Ted Cruz my representative, having my proxy, but from Texas ... not North Carolina.
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( September 25th, 2013 @ 5:07 pm )
Harry Reid is a complete unmitigated idiot, with a pure pansy voice ... and Kay Hagan has voted for this mimbo to be Senate majority leader for 5 years now.

What does that say about the junior NC Senator?

Speaking until he can no longer stand: Ted Cruz throws down the gauntlet on ObamaCare Editorials, A Commissioner's View, Op-Ed & Politics The Case for Bending the Curve


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