For Love of God and Country | Eastern North Carolina Now

For Love of God and Country  

Diane Rufino does not pull punches: She tells it straight and builds her case to express her keen sense of reality. If "keeping it real" is an imperative, you are advised to read Diane's opinions on the promise of past accomplishments bestowed on future generations.


Tomorrow morning (Tuesday), legislators in the House Health Committee will vote on HB184 - a bad bill that will cost taxpayers and State Health Plan members more than $1 million per day if it's enacted.
Tomorrow morning (Tuesday), legislators in the House Health Committee will vote on HB184 - a bad bill that will cost taxpayers and State Health Plan members more than $1 million per day if it's enacted.
There are several candidates who are seeking the Congressional seat from the 3rd District that was held by the late great Walter B. Jones, but only one is a tried and true conservative.
There are several candidates who are seeking the Congressional seat from the 3rd District that was held by the late great Walter B. Jones, but only one is a tried and true conservative.
North Carolina voters have tried for a long time now to enact a common-sense voter identification law.
This is a question implicit in every policy debate. However, it is rarely actually addressed.
This past Monday, February 25, US Senate Democrats blocked a Republican bill - The BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SURVIVORS PROTECTION ACT - that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't attempt to save the lives of infants born alive during failed abortions.
This past Monday, February 25, US Senate Democrats blocked a Republican bill - The BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SURVIVORS PROTECTION ACT - that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't attempt to save the lives of infants born alive during failed abortions.
On September 3, 1783, representatives from the American states, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, and a representative of King George III signed the Treaty of Paris to officially end the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.
On September 3, 1783, representatives from the American states, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay, and a representative of King George III signed the Treaty of Paris to officially end the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down one of the most controversial opinions in its history. It issued its opinion regarding the constitutionality of state laws banning and even criminalizing abortion.
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down one of the most controversial opinions in its history. It issued its opinion regarding the constitutionality of state laws banning and even criminalizing abortion.
For those who aren't familiar with Margaret Sanger and her influence on the Eugenics movement and on the Women's Rights movement, here is an excellent article
For those who aren't familiar with Margaret Sanger and her influence on the Eugenics movement and on the Women's Rights movement, here is an excellent article
Try not to think of this day as an opportunity to find a good sale, to finally get the new stove you'd been wanting for years or the new dining room set you've had your eyes on. I'm certainly guilty of that myself.
Try not to think of this day as an opportunity to find a good sale, to finally get the new stove you'd been wanting for years or the new dining room set you've had your eyes on. I'm certainly guilty of that myself.
I attended Congressman Walter Jones' funeral service today at St. Peter's Catholic Church.
Thank You, President Trump for taking the initiative to acknowledge the humanity in an unborn child and thank you for pointing out the inhumanity of those would-be mothers who choose to abort the life inside them.
Thank You, President Trump for taking the initiative to acknowledge the humanity in an unborn child and thank you for pointing out the inhumanity of those would-be mothers who choose to abort the life inside them.
The wicked place known as New York City, is once again at the center of controversy.
The wicked place known as New York City, is once again at the center of controversy.
A federal district court in Denver has ruled that Christian cake artist and baker, Jack Phillips, can proceed in his lawsuit against the State of Colorado for its alleged continued harassment of him on account of his religious beliefs.
A federal district court in Denver has ruled that Christian cake artist and baker, Jack Phillips, can proceed in his lawsuit against the State of Colorado for its alleged continued harassment of him on account of his religious beliefs.
President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence addressed this year's March for Life, the 45th annual March for Life in DC, by video from the White House Rose Garden.
President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence addressed this year's March for Life, the 45th annual March for Life in DC, by video from the White House Rose Garden.
Democrats used to be the party of Bad Ideas. Now it's the party of Bad People.
OK, the loony left has struck again. Liberals/progressives have finally left the planet. Lights out, nobody is home. They've "opened their minds" so much that their brains have literally fallen out.
OK, the loony left has struck again. Liberals/progressives have finally left the planet. Lights out, nobody is home. They've "opened their minds" so much that their brains have literally fallen out.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
Last night President Trump delivered a straightforward message to the American people regarding the situation on the southern border. He called that situation a "crisis."
Last night President Trump delivered a straightforward message to the American people regarding the situation on the southern border. He called that situation a "crisis."
There are three theories, perhaps even four, upon which President Trump can close our southern border, including providing a permanent, physical barrier.
There are three theories, perhaps even four, upon which President Trump can close our southern border, including providing a permanent, physical barrier.
There is a disabling disease going around; epidemiologists believe it hit sometime in the fall of 2016.
There is a disabling disease going around; epidemiologists believe it hit sometime in the fall of 2016.
On October 16, 2018, Francisco Gonzalez wrote an article, or more aptly, a book review, entitled " Why Open Borders Are Bad for America's Immigrants"; it was published by The Federalist.
On October 16, 2018, Francisco Gonzalez wrote an article, or more aptly, a book review, entitled " Why Open Borders Are Bad for America's Immigrants"; it was published by The Federalist.
Four days ago, a date came and went without much mention. Yet it was so significant.
On November 6, an amendment to the North Carolina constitution requiring voters to present a photo identification for voting in person (the "Voter ID" amendment) passed with 55 percent support.
On November 6, an amendment to the North Carolina constitution requiring voters to present a photo identification for voting in person (the "Voter ID" amendment) passed with 55 percent support.
On November 6, an amendment to the North Carolina constitution requiring voters to present a photo identification for voting in person (the "Voter ID" amendment) passed with 55 percent support.
On November 6, an amendment to the North Carolina constitution requiring voters to present a photo identification for voting in person (the "Voter ID" amendment) passed with 55 percent support.
A week ago, I visited Dealey Plaza in Dallas, the place where John F. Kennedy as assassinated so brutally on November 22, 1963.
A week ago, I visited Dealey Plaza in Dallas, the place where John F. Kennedy as assassinated so brutally on November 22, 1963.
What is Hate Comedy? Basically, it is the only form of comedy that one is subjected to these days - from the hate-mongering late night talk show hosts, to all the rabid liberal faux comedians touting themselves as stand-up comedians.
What is Hate Comedy? Basically, it is the only form of comedy that one is subjected to these days - from the hate-mongering late night talk show hosts, to all the rabid liberal faux comedians touting themselves as stand-up comedians.
The term "birthright citizenship" refers to the idea that you can become a citizen of a country simply by being born there.
The term "birthright citizenship" refers to the idea that you can become a citizen of a country simply by being born there.
The caravan is here and some folks are saying that the migrants are already entering the country illegally. We'll soon find out when we hear the news (the honest news sources, that is).
The caravan is here and some folks are saying that the migrants are already entering the country illegally. We'll soon find out when we hear the news (the honest news sources, that is).
Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as the 114th associate justice to the Supreme Court on Saturday, October 6. It almost didn't happen. And if everything went the way Democrats planned, it wouldn't have.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as the 114th associate justice to the Supreme Court on Saturday, October 6. It almost didn't happen. And if everything went the way Democrats planned, it wouldn't have.
On June 28, almost exactly a month after the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia convened, the 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin rose to address his fellow members.
On June 28, almost exactly a month after the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia convened, the 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin rose to address his fellow members.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
The United States is a constitutional republic. It is not a democracy, as most people believe.
Lately, a lot of emotion has been spent over Confederate monuments in the Tar Heel state.
Let's be honest. The toppling of the Confederate monuments, the demonization of the Confederate battle flag, the vilification of the names and memories of our treasured white Founding Fathers (and especially anyone of them who happened to own a slave), and the erasing of our history.
Let's be honest. The toppling of the Confederate monuments, the demonization of the Confederate battle flag, the vilification of the names and memories of our treasured white Founding Fathers (and especially anyone of them who happened to own a slave), and the erasing of our history.
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