Results found for 10th amendment | Eastern North Carolina Now

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56 Results found for 10th amendment

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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas clashed on Thursday with a lawyer who argued in favor of Colorado removing former President Donald Trump from the primary ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, an insurrection clause dating back to the Civil War.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas clashed on Thursday with a lawyer who argued in favor of Colorado removing former President Donald Trump from the primary ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, an insurrection clause dating back to the Civil War.
In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a federal statute that forces states to place Native American children with Native families, even if it’s not in the child’s best interest.
In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a federal statute that forces states to place Native American children with Native families, even if it’s not in the child’s best interest.
Educate the way they want not what is dictated
Educate the way they want not what is dictated
The United States of America has edged closer and closer to the Leftist maxim of "Abortion on Demand" whenever it is demanded, by whomever demands it, but now that ease of operation to alleviate oneself of that nagging little problem has come to a screeching halt.
The United States of America has edged closer and closer to the Leftist maxim of "Abortion on Demand" whenever it is demanded, by whomever demands it, but now that ease of operation to alleviate oneself of that nagging little problem has come to a screeching halt.
Alaska’s congressional race has narrowed to three candidates in a special election as former Republican governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin seeks a return to public office.
Alaska’s congressional race has narrowed to three candidates in a special election as former Republican governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin seeks a return to public office.
There are many people who overlook the brilliance of the US Constitution. They argue that it is outdated and unfit to adequately govern such a modern nation as ours in the 21st century.
There are many people who overlook the brilliance of the US Constitution. They argue that it is outdated and unfit to adequately govern such a modern nation as ours in the 21st century.
“Nullification” is the doctrine, articulated best by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (our two greatest Founding Fathers) which essentially holds that that the federal government is a creature of the states
“Nullification” is the doctrine, articulated best by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (our two greatest Founding Fathers) which essentially holds that that the federal government is a creature of the states
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
This article is dedicated to our great Founding Fathers - men who had the courage, the foresight, and the wisdom to secure the freedom that I exercise and enjoy every single day. - Diane Rufino
It’s a hard lesson for some parents to learn: Foot the bill every time your adult child runs into financial trouble, and that child is more likely to continue running into trouble.
It’s a hard lesson for some parents to learn: Foot the bill every time your adult child runs into financial trouble, and that child is more likely to continue running into trouble.
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down one of the most controversial opinions in its history. It issued its opinion regarding the constitutionality of state laws banning and even criminalizing abortion.
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down one of the most controversial opinions in its history. It issued its opinion regarding the constitutionality of state laws banning and even criminalizing abortion.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
This article, excerpted from Mike Scrugg's book THE UN-CIVIL WAR, discusses the first 13th Amendment, which was QUITE DIFFERENT from the one which was ratified in 1865.
This article, excerpted from Mike Scrugg's book THE UN-CIVIL WAR, discusses the first 13th Amendment, which was QUITE DIFFERENT from the one which was ratified in 1865.
The Sanctuary state of California gives Illegal Immigrants drivers' licenses, no questions asked; now the state of California is directing their DMV to register everyone with drivers' license to register to vote, we also assume with no questions asked.
The Sanctuary state of California gives Illegal Immigrants drivers' licenses, no questions asked; now the state of California is directing their DMV to register everyone with drivers' license to register to vote, we also assume with no questions asked.
As Republicans try to spark what many see as their last, best effort to repeal Obamacare, health-care analyst Avik Roy is throwing dirt on the Graham-Cassidy bill
As Republicans try to spark what many see as their last, best effort to repeal Obamacare, health-care analyst Avik Roy is throwing dirt on the Graham-Cassidy bill
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
During a March 27 talk at North Carolina State University, Georgetown University law professor Randy Barnett told the assembled faculty, students, and other members of the audience that many of his allies on the political Right were wrong
During a March 27 talk at North Carolina State University, Georgetown University law professor Randy Barnett told the assembled faculty, students, and other members of the audience that many of his allies on the political Right were wrong
For the second time in recent experience, and the fifth time in American history, a presidential candidate has been elected despite having failed to win a plurality of the nationwide vote
For the second time in recent experience, and the fifth time in American history, a presidential candidate has been elected despite having failed to win a plurality of the nationwide vote
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
The ENC Tea Party announces their upcoming events for this year.
The ENC Tea Party announces their upcoming events for this year.
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
While we're heading down the dangerous slippery slope of government-sponsored censorship surrounding the display of the Confederate flag and certain Civil War generals and other historical figures, we should also be demanding that certain other statues be taken down
While we're heading down the dangerous slippery slope of government-sponsored censorship surrounding the display of the Confederate flag and certain Civil War generals and other historical figures, we should also be demanding that certain other statues be taken down
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
Thomas Jefferson wondered how the country would respond in the case its government passed a law that was clearly unconstitutional.
Thomas Jefferson wondered how the country would respond in the case its government passed a law that was clearly unconstitutional.
As someone who views constitutional government as a basic institution of freedom, and constitutions as wielding near-divine authority, I retain what to some might be a surprising or even cavalier openness to constitutional amendment.
As someone who views constitutional government as a basic institution of freedom, and constitutions as wielding near-divine authority, I retain what to some might be a surprising or even cavalier openness to constitutional amendment.
North Carolina is bracing for a decision by Federal Communications Commission officials that could overturn the state law placing limits on municipal broadband, potentially saddling local taxpayers with new debt they would not be required to approve.
North Carolina is bracing for a decision by Federal Communications Commission officials that could overturn the state law placing limits on municipal broadband, potentially saddling local taxpayers with new debt they would not be required to approve.
The government has no legitimate powers that were not initially granted to it under the Constitution.
The government has no legitimate powers that were not initially granted to it under the Constitution.
Recently, I've been subjected to some insinuations that my Christianity and my conservatism are in question because I dare to raise questions about the leadership of the North Carolina House of Representatives.
Recently, I've been subjected to some insinuations that my Christianity and my conservatism are in question because I dare to raise questions about the leadership of the North Carolina House of Representatives.
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