Results found for disarray | Eastern North Carolina Now

84 Results found for disarray

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We watch war now in real time on television, cruelty and brutality on full display.
We watch war now in real time on television, cruelty and brutality on full display.
Democratic Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Friday that he will switch his party affiliation to Republican.
Democratic Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Friday that he will switch his party affiliation to Republican.
A fired Winston-Salem State University professor focuses on "administrative deference" in his latest plea to the N.C. Supreme Court.
A fired Winston-Salem State University professor focuses on "administrative deference" in his latest plea to the N.C. Supreme Court.
The illegal immigration crisis isn’t very complex. If you want “order at the border” — as Democrats such as President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claim — then it needs to be closed once and for all.
The illegal immigration crisis isn’t very complex. If you want “order at the border” — as Democrats such as President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claim — then it needs to be closed once and for all.
Have you ever wanted to learn how to dismantle an Arab nation, thereby ushering in an era of slavery and unending anarchy in the 21st century?
Have you ever wanted to learn how to dismantle an Arab nation, thereby ushering in an era of slavery and unending anarchy in the 21st century?
The indictment of Trump by Alvin Bragg is in disarray this morning after the Manhattan DA was unable to find enough grand jurists awesome enough to be legally considered Trump's peers.
The indictment of Trump by Alvin Bragg is in disarray this morning after the Manhattan DA was unable to find enough grand jurists awesome enough to be legally considered Trump's peers.
When NBC news host, Lester Holt said there had been 68 mass shootings in 2023, my mouth dropped. That’s more mass shootings than days so far in 2023.
When NBC news host, Lester Holt said there had been 68 mass shootings in 2023, my mouth dropped. That’s more mass shootings than days so far in 2023.
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told Fox News in an interview that aired Thursday night that she thinks she could be the next President of the United States and that she is seriously exploring the possibility.
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told Fox News in an interview that aired Thursday night that she thinks she could be the next President of the United States and that she is seriously exploring the possibility.
Former Clinton administration official David Gergen, now a political analyst at CNN, warned late this week that Biden was in for a nightmare over the classified document scandal.
Former Clinton administration official David Gergen, now a political analyst at CNN, warned late this week that Biden was in for a nightmare over the classified document scandal.
The federal government’s budget is in such disarray that balancing the books would require a 30% spending cut or a 40% increase in taxes, a recent study found.
The federal government’s budget is in such disarray that balancing the books would require a 30% spending cut or a 40% increase in taxes, a recent study found.
Hundreds of employees at Twitter have reportedly decided to resign from the company after CEO Elon Musk demanded that in order to stay at the company they would need to commit to “extremely hardcore” working conditions.
Hundreds of employees at Twitter have reportedly decided to resign from the company after CEO Elon Musk demanded that in order to stay at the company they would need to commit to “extremely hardcore” working conditions.
Treasurer Folwell, Local Government Commission Praise Turnaround, Hand Keys Back to Town
Treasurer Folwell, Local Government Commission Praise Turnaround, Hand Keys Back to Town
"I am concerned that overzealous government agents may use bogus charges against me to 'send a message.'"
"I am concerned that overzealous government agents may use bogus charges against me to 'send a message.'"
If you ask President Joe Biden’s colleagues from his years as vice president, he is an “unguided missile” when under pressure, has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue” during the last 40 years
If you ask President Joe Biden’s colleagues from his years as vice president, he is an “unguided missile” when under pressure, has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue” during the last 40 years
One doesn’t often hear about the College Democrats of America (CDA) unless they’re protesting some alleged microaggression on campus, but apparently the organization is in disarray.
One doesn’t often hear about the College Democrats of America (CDA) unless they’re protesting some alleged microaggression on campus, but apparently the organization is in disarray.
According to a report, “Concern about being permanently branded a ‘Harris person’” is one of the reasons staffers are considering leaving Kamala Harris, as they don’t want to be seen as being aligned with her in case another Democratic candidate decides to run.
According to a report, “Concern about being permanently branded a ‘Harris person’” is one of the reasons staffers are considering leaving Kamala Harris, as they don’t want to be seen as being aligned with her in case another Democratic candidate decides to run.
In the midst of frequent stories currently circulating about the unhappiness of staffers working for Vice President Kamala Harris, one disenchanted former staffer for Harris harshly criticized her.
In the midst of frequent stories currently circulating about the unhappiness of staffers working for Vice President Kamala Harris, one disenchanted former staffer for Harris harshly criticized her.
ECU Anthropology graduate students receive real-world skills, keep family’s stories alive
ECU Anthropology graduate students receive real-world skills, keep family’s stories alive
Each of the plaintiffs in North Carolina’s legal dispute over election maps is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to stay out of the fight. So is the N.C. Justice Department.
Each of the plaintiffs in North Carolina’s legal dispute over election maps is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to stay out of the fight. So is the N.C. Justice Department.
Governor Pat McCrory has dismissed the importance of endorsements for months, but yesterday, McCrory’s top advisor Jordan Shaw disagreed
Governor Pat McCrory has dismissed the importance of endorsements for months, but yesterday, McCrory’s top advisor Jordan Shaw disagreed
City Officials Have Not Filed Required Audits for Past Two Years, Raising Serious Concerns
City Officials Have Not Filed Required Audits for Past Two Years, Raising Serious Concerns
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
This was the week of the Democratic (Socialist) National Convention, and I discovered a robust similarity between the Democratic Socialists who are deemed to be their stars, their leaders and the majority of the Beaufort County Commissioners: They do not fully endorse law and order.
Vice President Kamala Harris took some heat online for her failure to give a coherent answer when pressed about sky-high inflation for Americans during a CBS interview on Sunday.
Vice President Kamala Harris took some heat online for her failure to give a coherent answer when pressed about sky-high inflation for Americans during a CBS interview on Sunday.
‘Tis the season to be jolly and for Democrats to be in disarray. While hardworking families and job creators are jolly that Joe Manchin effectively tanked Biden’s “Build Back Broke” agenda for now, Democrat Senate hopefuls are contributing to their party’s widespread disarray.
‘Tis the season to be jolly and for Democrats to be in disarray. While hardworking families and job creators are jolly that Joe Manchin effectively tanked Biden’s “Build Back Broke” agenda for now, Democrat Senate hopefuls are contributing to their party’s widespread disarray.
Good morning, If you’re covering the news of Jeff Jackson dropping out of the U.S. Senate race, please consider the following statement from the Republican National Committee.f
Good morning, If you’re covering the news of Jeff Jackson dropping out of the U.S. Senate race, please consider the following statement from the Republican National Committee.f
Election integrity is a top issue for North Carolina voters. In fact, according to this poll from March 2021, the issue is only second in importance to ‘jobs and the economy,’ and election integrity surpasses other top issues
Election integrity is a top issue for North Carolina voters. In fact, according to this poll from March 2021, the issue is only second in importance to ‘jobs and the economy,’ and election integrity surpasses other top issues
Good morning, In case you missed it, co-chairman of the Republican National Committee Tommy Hicks penned an op-ed in the North State Journal denouncing President Biden’s economic failure and how Biden’s “Build Back Broke” agenda is crippling our economic recovery
Good morning, In case you missed it, co-chairman of the Republican National Committee Tommy Hicks penned an op-ed in the North State Journal denouncing President Biden’s economic failure and how Biden’s “Build Back Broke” agenda is crippling our economic recovery
Filmmakers producing projects in North Carolina are on track to invest a record amount of money in the state in 2021, Governor Roy Cooper announced during a press conference at EUE/Screen Gems Studios in Wilmington.
Filmmakers producing projects in North Carolina are on track to invest a record amount of money in the state in 2021, Governor Roy Cooper announced during a press conference at EUE/Screen Gems Studios in Wilmington.
Matthew Foldi and Joseph Simonson of the Washington Free Beacon report an embarrassing development for President Biden.
Matthew Foldi and Joseph Simonson of the Washington Free Beacon report an embarrassing development for President Biden.
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