Results found for garden parkway | Eastern North Carolina Now

10 Results found for garden parkway

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Last year Gov. Pat McCrory and the General Assembly managed to accomplish something that many longtime legislative observers thought was highly improbable if not impossible: a substantial rewrite of North Carolina's system for funding roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure.
Last year Gov. Pat McCrory and the General Assembly managed to accomplish something that many longtime legislative observers thought was highly improbable if not impossible: a substantial rewrite of North Carolina's system for funding roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure.
Taxpayers and motorists would be better served if the proposed Monroe Connector/Bypass were judged on a merit-based system adopted last year rather than the old system that typically rewarded political influence and geography, a top transportation planner said.
Taxpayers and motorists would be better served if the proposed Monroe Connector/Bypass were judged on a merit-based system adopted last year rather than the old system that typically rewarded political influence and geography, a top transportation planner said.
Drivers of some of the most fuel-efficient cars in North Carolina would be hit with extra license registration fees under the proposed Senate budget.
Drivers of some of the most fuel-efficient cars in North Carolina would be hit with extra license registration fees under the proposed Senate budget.
Williams voted FOR Pryor Gibson's bill to help raise gasoline prices by reducing competition. That no doubt pleased the Petroleum Marketers Association who pushed the bill, but it should offend everyone who buys gasoline, whether for business or personal use.
Williams voted FOR Pryor Gibson's bill to help raise gasoline prices by reducing competition. That no doubt pleased the Petroleum Marketers Association who pushed the bill, but it should offend everyone who buys gasoline, whether for business or personal use.
Sparks flew during a Wednesday Senate committee meeting after a top aide to Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue said that he never intended to alter the opinion of a top Department of Transportation official when he changed a letter about the timing for money on two toll projects.
Sparks flew during a Wednesday Senate committee meeting after a top aide to Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue said that he never intended to alter the opinion of a top Department of Transportation official when he changed a letter about the timing for money on two toll projects.
Gov. Bev Perdue's top legislative aide told a Senate committee on Thursday that altered letters which ended up saying the opposite of what a top ranking Department of Transportation official intended.
Gov. Bev Perdue's top legislative aide told a Senate committee on Thursday that altered letters which ended up saying the opposite of what a top ranking Department of Transportation official intended.
The N.C. Department of Transportation's chief operating officer confirmed that he did not sign a letter to lawmakers saying that money was needed for two toll projects as soon as possible.
The N.C. Department of Transportation's chief operating officer confirmed that he did not sign a letter to lawmakers saying that money was needed for two toll projects as soon as possible.
Today is the day that officials from the N.C. Department of Transportation are slated to give their story about how altered letters from the department's chief operating officer made into the hands of state legislators last week.
Today is the day that officials from the N.C. Department of Transportation are slated to give their story about how altered letters from the department's chief operating officer made into the hands of state legislators last week.
The Senate Rules Committee plans an inquiry into two altered letters purportedly from a top N.C. Department of Transportation official which said that money is needed now in order to proceed with two toll projects - the Garden Parkway in Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties and the Mid-Currituck.
The Senate Rules Committee plans an inquiry into two altered letters purportedly from a top N.C. Department of Transportation official which said that money is needed now in order to proceed with two toll projects - the Garden Parkway in Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties and the Mid-Currituck.
In my forthcoming book on North Carolina's economy, Our Best Foot Forward, I discuss at length the role that transportation has played in the state's economic history.
In my forthcoming book on North Carolina's economy, Our Best Foot Forward, I discuss at length the role that transportation has played in the state's economic history.


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