Results found for james k. polk | Eastern North Carolina Now

11 Results found for james k. polk

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A political statistician suggested on Monday that the Democratic Party should consider finding a new candidate to run for the White House in 2024 if President Joe Biden fails to run a “normal campaign,” becoming the latest analyst to cite concerns about his chances of winning a second term.
A political statistician suggested on Monday that the Democratic Party should consider finding a new candidate to run for the White House in 2024 if President Joe Biden fails to run a “normal campaign,” becoming the latest analyst to cite concerns about his chances of winning a second term.
“What does the name James K. Polk mean to you?”
“What does the name James K. Polk mean to you?”
On Tuesday President Trump joined a small club of former presidents who have sought reelection after leaving office.
On Tuesday President Trump joined a small club of former presidents who have sought reelection after leaving office.
There has always been a robust political debate between advocates of free trade and advocates of manipulating the terms of trade to protect special interests
There has always been a robust political debate between advocates of free trade and advocates of manipulating the terms of trade to protect special interests
The John Locke Foundation's 25th anniversary attracted national attention this month when U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-5th District, read a statement on the U.S. House floor celebrating the milestone.
The John Locke Foundation's 25th anniversary attracted national attention this month when U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-5th District, read a statement on the U.S. House floor celebrating the milestone.
During the formation of the United States, male politicians, writers, and philosophers were at the forefront in establishing the government for the new country after the Revolutionary War.
During the formation of the United States, male politicians, writers, and philosophers were at the forefront in establishing the government for the new country after the Revolutionary War.
Commercial restrictions through tariffs have been an integral part of American history. The federal government has used forms of commercial restriction as a source of revenue and to protect American industry and labor.
Commercial restrictions through tariffs have been an integral part of American history. The federal government has used forms of commercial restriction as a source of revenue and to protect American industry and labor.
The Sissipahaw and Occaneechi lived and inhabited what is present-day Wake County, and English and Scotch-Irish settlers from northern states moved into the area during the seventeenth century.
The Sissipahaw and Occaneechi lived and inhabited what is present-day Wake County, and English and Scotch-Irish settlers from northern states moved into the area during the seventeenth century.
Created from parts of Anson County in 1762, Mecklenburg County includes the largest city in North Carolina.
Created from parts of Anson County in 1762, Mecklenburg County includes the largest city in North Carolina.
Two presidents dominated the landscape of mid-19th century America--Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. Sandwiched between them, however, was James K. Polk, a remarkable and highly effective president.
Two presidents dominated the landscape of mid-19th century America--Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. Sandwiched between them, however, was James K. Polk, a remarkable and highly effective president.
While in North Carolina the Republican Party seems poised for a highly successful election cycle this year, the federal races for president and Congress present no clear partisan trend.
While in North Carolina the Republican Party seems poised for a highly successful election cycle this year, the federal races for president and Congress present no clear partisan trend.


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