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12 Results found for mayor bloomberg

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The double standard used by Biden now is outrageous.
Recently, there was a newsworthy conversation that an unscientific survey revealed that "only 39% of our fellow Americans can name all three branches of the federal government", which is a very sad statement on America's overall intellect.
Recently, there was a newsworthy conversation that an unscientific survey revealed that "only 39% of our fellow Americans can name all three branches of the federal government", which is a very sad statement on America's overall intellect.
In a blatantly transparent and shameless plea for campaign cash, legislative leaders Rep. Darren Jackson and Sen. Dan Blue endorsed Mayor Michael Bloomberg this past week.
In a blatantly transparent and shameless plea for campaign cash, legislative leaders Rep. Darren Jackson and Sen. Dan Blue endorsed Mayor Michael Bloomberg this past week.
Perhaps the most glaring weakness among American college students is their writing. Many enter college lacking the ability to put together even a single good paragraph - and graduate without much improvement. It has been that way for a long time.
Perhaps the most glaring weakness among American college students is their writing. Many enter college lacking the ability to put together even a single good paragraph - and graduate without much improvement. It has been that way for a long time.
New York is a very blue state which has been predominantly Democrat for much of my life and while I could understand this was due to its large immigrant population and the party's reputation for its allegiance to them, this repute hasn't been deserved for decades.
New York is a very blue state which has been predominantly Democrat for much of my life and while I could understand this was due to its large immigrant population and the party's reputation for its allegiance to them, this repute hasn't been deserved for decades.
NYPD officer Larry DePrimo was unaware that he had been caught on camera giving a homeless man a pair of socks and weatherproof boots he had purchased for him.
NYPD officer Larry DePrimo was unaware that he had been caught on camera giving a homeless man a pair of socks and weatherproof boots he had purchased for him.
All last week, we were inundated with warnings on how devastating hurricane Sandy would be to the Northeast corridor; the billions of dollars damage it would cost to lives and property.
All last week, we were inundated with warnings on how devastating hurricane Sandy would be to the Northeast corridor; the billions of dollars damage it would cost to lives and property.
We tend to think bad or unusual or unbelievable things are happening some place else in the world and we are safe in our private corner. Was all that crazy business about Mayor Bloomberg regulating burgers and soft drinks some reporter trying to make news?
We tend to think bad or unusual or unbelievable things are happening some place else in the world and we are safe in our private corner. Was all that crazy business about Mayor Bloomberg regulating burgers and soft drinks some reporter trying to make news?
As I observed yesterday, the new budget plan for 2012-13 contains many good provisions. I admit to being frustrated, however, at the unwillingness of conferees to include $10 million to compensate victims of North Carolina's forced-sterilization program.
As I observed yesterday, the new budget plan for 2012-13 contains many good provisions. I admit to being frustrated, however, at the unwillingness of conferees to include $10 million to compensate victims of North Carolina's forced-sterilization program.
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
I was struck by how many people want to learn such topics but just don't know where to go to be educated or how to trust that they will be taught the right stuff. But one question that came up almost every class period and by every group was this: "Do the states have the right to secede?"
It's becoming a Ground Zero for a heated exchange between those who respect the events of 9/11 and the Muslim community (represented by Imam Rauf) who doesn't seem to.
It's becoming a Ground Zero for a heated exchange between those who respect the events of 9/11 and the Muslim community (represented by Imam Rauf) who doesn't seem to.
when I watch the footage of 9/11, I can remember it all just as clearly as the very day the carnage and destruction actually occurred.
when I watch the footage of 9/11, I can remember it all just as clearly as the very day the carnage and destruction actually occurred.


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