Results found for queer studies | Eastern North Carolina Now

15 Results found for queer studies

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radical "gender unicorn taught at Beaufort County Schools Early College in 10th grade
radical "gender unicorn taught at Beaufort County Schools Early College in 10th grade
Courses involving “Critical Whiteness Studies,” an offshoot of Critical Race Theory, will be available to students at several colleges across the country during the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
Courses involving “Critical Whiteness Studies,” an offshoot of Critical Race Theory, will be available to students at several colleges across the country during the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
After years of taxing California citizens to capacity and still not having enough in the state budget, Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed a brand new tax on people who live in Florida.
After years of taxing California citizens to capacity and still not having enough in the state budget, Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed a brand new tax on people who live in Florida.
The Biden administration on Friday blasted as “incomprehensible” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s move to block a controversial African American studies course from being taught in the state’s public high schools, even as leaks revealed the course’s syllabus leans into wokeism.
The Biden administration on Friday blasted as “incomprehensible” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s move to block a controversial African American studies course from being taught in the state’s public high schools, even as leaks revealed the course’s syllabus leans into wokeism.
Many transphobic conservatives will refuse to send their sons and daughters to drag queen story hour just because they don't want a grown man in lingerie spending time with their kids.
Many transphobic conservatives will refuse to send their sons and daughters to drag queen story hour just because they don't want a grown man in lingerie spending time with their kids.
On Friday, the Wyoming Senate passed an amendment to the state budget that would defund the University of Wyoming’s Gender and Women’s Studies program. The amendment will be sent to the Wyoming House for approval.
On Friday, the Wyoming Senate passed an amendment to the state budget that would defund the University of Wyoming’s Gender and Women’s Studies program. The amendment will be sent to the Wyoming House for approval.
On September 29, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) announced that it is investigating what it calls “egregious violations of principles of academic governance and persistent structural racism in the University of North Carolina System.”
On September 29, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) announced that it is investigating what it calls “egregious violations of principles of academic governance and persistent structural racism in the University of North Carolina System.”
If you had told me a couple of years ago that a book like Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism would be topping the bestseller lists and receiving accolades from all over, I wouldn’t have believed it.
If you had told me a couple of years ago that a book like Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism would be topping the bestseller lists and receiving accolades from all over, I wouldn’t have believed it.
Academics Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay, and Peter Boghossian have led the reaction against scholarship-as-activism with their famous “grievance studies” hoax.
Academics Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay, and Peter Boghossian have led the reaction against scholarship-as-activism with their famous “grievance studies” hoax.
In 2013, Stony Brook University (part of the SUNY system) revealed plans for a new "Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities."
In 2013, Stony Brook University (part of the SUNY system) revealed plans for a new "Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities."
It's hard not to sympathize with the plight of the young musician who, despite or perhaps rather because of his passion, is destined to scrape together his living in "the real world" outside the towering ivory walls of our traditional institutions of classical music
It's hard not to sympathize with the plight of the young musician who, despite or perhaps rather because of his passion, is destined to scrape together his living in "the real world" outside the towering ivory walls of our traditional institutions of classical music
About 25 years ago, American higher education was swept up in the identity studies fad. A great many colleges and universities created courses, departments, degree programs, and related administrative posts in Women's Studies, African-American Studies, Latina/o Studies, Queer Studies, and others.
About 25 years ago, American higher education was swept up in the identity studies fad. A great many colleges and universities created courses, departments, degree programs, and related administrative posts in Women's Studies, African-American Studies, Latina/o Studies, Queer Studies, and others.
That's right, folks. The drive-by media, already trying to paint liberal gasbag and self-anointed "poverty" expert Gene Nichol as some Christ-like martyr, let this little gem slip,
That's right, folks. The drive-by media, already trying to paint liberal gasbag and self-anointed "poverty" expert Gene Nichol as some Christ-like martyr, let this little gem slip,
Lefties across the state and country are giggling mercilessly over the bad publicity being doled out against the UNC-Chapel Hill athletics department.
Lefties across the state and country are giggling mercilessly over the bad publicity being doled out against the UNC-Chapel Hill athletics department.
Paul Gottfried's recent Pope Center essay The Academy Now and Then raises important issues regarding whether today's campus permits the expression of unpopular ideas. He argues that campus life was far more open when he began his academic career in the 1960s than it is in today's PC-dominated world.
Paul Gottfried's recent Pope Center essay The Academy Now and Then raises important issues regarding whether today's campus permits the expression of unpopular ideas. He argues that campus life was far more open when he began his academic career in the 1960s than it is in today's PC-dominated world.


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