Results found for state pension funds | Eastern North Carolina Now

20 Results found for state pension funds

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Republican officials continued their probe of BlackRock this week, saying that the financial giant has not been forthcoming about how climate activists are shaping its policies, according to a letter first obtained by The Daily Wire.
Republican officials continued their probe of BlackRock this week, saying that the financial giant has not been forthcoming about how climate activists are shaping its policies, according to a letter first obtained by The Daily Wire.
says investors shortchanged by political goals of ESG
One of the largest public state pension funds in the nation has routinely accepted shareholder resolution advice from a woke proxy advisory firm based in San Francisco
One of the largest public state pension funds in the nation has routinely accepted shareholder resolution advice from a woke proxy advisory firm based in San Francisco
Pension plans for state government retirees are strained
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launched a new initiative with 18 other states on Thursday to fight back against President Joe Biden’s woke environmental, social, corporate governance (ESG) agenda.
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launched a new initiative with 18 other states on Thursday to fight back against President Joe Biden’s woke environmental, social, corporate governance (ESG) agenda.
BlackRock plans to dismiss some 500 workers as the asset management company seeks to contend with heavy losses.
BlackRock plans to dismiss some 500 workers as the asset management company seeks to contend with heavy losses.
The state government of Texas is cutting ties with BlackRock, UBS, and other firms that are hostile toward fossil fuels, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar revealed on Wednesday.
The state government of Texas is cutting ties with BlackRock, UBS, and other firms that are hostile toward fossil fuels, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar revealed on Wednesday.
This summer, West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore published a list of five financial institutions that he has deemed ineligible for state banking contracts due to their environmental and social activism.
This summer, West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore published a list of five financial institutions that he has deemed ineligible for state banking contracts due to their environmental and social activism.
conservatives should pull funds out of far left Blackrock
conservatives should pull funds out of far left Blackrock
N.C. Treasurer Dale Folwell wants Congress to allow state pension funds to seek damages through U.S. courts. His requested change in federal law could lead to seizure of Russian assets and properties.
N.C. Treasurer Dale Folwell wants Congress to allow state pension funds to seek damages through U.S. courts. His requested change in federal law could lead to seizure of Russian assets and properties.
The N.C. House on Thursday passed a resolution supporting Ukraine before following the Senate’s lead and voting to adjourn its long-running session.
The N.C. House on Thursday passed a resolution supporting Ukraine before following the Senate’s lead and voting to adjourn its long-running session.
N.C. House, Senate Urge Congress to Change Law so State Pensions Can Recover Losses from Russia
Calls on Congress to Amend Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to Allow Possible Recoupment of Investment Losses; Urges General Assembly to Pass Resolution
Calls on Congress to Amend Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to Allow Possible Recoupment of Investment Losses; Urges General Assembly to Pass Resolution
As established in the federal constitution, America’s national government was meant to be small and tightly focused on matters of truly nationwide scope.
As established in the federal constitution, America’s national government was meant to be small and tightly focused on matters of truly nationwide scope.
A very insightful article in BloombergBusinessWeek highlights some of the ways NC Treasurer Dale Folwell plans to save the state significant sums of money.
A very insightful article in BloombergBusinessWeek highlights some of the ways NC Treasurer Dale Folwell plans to save the state significant sums of money.
If the General Assembly approves State Treasurer Janet Cowell's request for more flexibility in how it invests the state's pension plan, North Carolina's investment in real estate could be among the largest in the nation.
If the General Assembly approves State Treasurer Janet Cowell's request for more flexibility in how it invests the state's pension plan, North Carolina's investment in real estate could be among the largest in the nation.
A recent study concluded that North Carolina's $87 billion state pension fund is the second-best performing plan in the nation, even though new government-mandated accounting methods show it might be underfunded by more than $15 billion instead of operating in the black, as official state figures...
A recent study concluded that North Carolina's $87 billion state pension fund is the second-best performing plan in the nation, even though new government-mandated accounting methods show it might be underfunded by more than $15 billion instead of operating in the black, as official state figures...
Gov. Pat McCrory has signed into law a bill substantially scaling back the amount of debt the state can assume without voter approval. Supporters say...
Gov. Pat McCrory has signed into law a bill substantially scaling back the amount of debt the state can assume without voter approval. Supporters say...
Yesterday, Thursday, June 13, 2013, the NC Senate, led by President Pro Tem Phil Berger, took a bold move towards cleaning up state government.
Yesterday, Thursday, June 13, 2013, the NC Senate, led by President Pro Tem Phil Berger, took a bold move towards cleaning up state government.
If during the past few years of fiscal instability, you consoled yourself with the fact that at least North Carolina's pension fund for teachers and state employees was sound, I'm going to ruin your day.
If during the past few years of fiscal instability, you consoled yourself with the fact that at least North Carolina's pension fund for teachers and state employees was sound, I'm going to ruin your day.


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