Results found for tenured professors | Eastern North Carolina Now

35 Results found for tenured professors

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Conservative attempts to do away with the longstanding faculty protection may backfire.
Conservative attempts to do away with the longstanding faculty protection may backfire.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) announced that the state of Florida would scrap diversity, equity, and inclusion funding from public universities and increase scrutiny toward underperforming professors.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) announced that the state of Florida would scrap diversity, equity, and inclusion funding from public universities and increase scrutiny toward underperforming professors.
A recent controversy at NYU has brought the question to the forefront.
Oh, if only the Lord would provide NC with a man/woman such as this for Governor
Oh, if only the Lord would provide NC with a man/woman such as this for Governor
A reporter who hasn’t dreamt of one day writing for the New York Times is a rare bird. “I’ll start with my local newspaper,” they tell themselves.
A reporter who hasn’t dreamt of one day writing for the New York Times is a rare bird. “I’ll start with my local newspaper,” they tell themselves.
Although tenure has been hotly debated over the years, it is still widely misunderstood as guaranteeing a professor a lifetime position.
Although tenure has been hotly debated over the years, it is still widely misunderstood as guaranteeing a professor a lifetime position.
When persons of means contemplate death, the question of where to leave their financial assets becomes acute.
When persons of means contemplate death, the question of where to leave their financial assets becomes acute.
Few of my manuscript submissions to education journals have been reviewed substantively.
Former Harvard president Derek Bok has long lamented that our institutions of higher education largely underperform in their missions.
Former Harvard president Derek Bok has long lamented that our institutions of higher education largely underperform in their missions.
The Cancel Culture strikes at the oddest of all places
The Cancel Culture strikes at the oddest of all places
any college graduates think to themselves, “I don’t have any immediate job prospects that are attractive and I can easily get into grad school with the chance of eventually getting my PhD and then a tenured professorship
any college graduates think to themselves, “I don’t have any immediate job prospects that are attractive and I can easily get into grad school with the chance of eventually getting my PhD and then a tenured professorship
In May, The Chronicle of Higher Education asked four academics from across the country to weigh in on the "adjunct crisis."
In May, The Chronicle of Higher Education asked four academics from across the country to weigh in on the "adjunct crisis."
The number of part-time and nontenure faculty continues to rise on campus as university officials try to cut costs. So does their dissatisfaction over wages and benefits, which is stirring disruptive pushback
The number of part-time and nontenure faculty continues to rise on campus as university officials try to cut costs. So does their dissatisfaction over wages and benefits, which is stirring disruptive pushback
The state of Arkansas is facing an existential threat to academic freedom
For most professors, the quest for tenure is an all-consuming obsession
East Carolina University (ECU) has named a new dean for the Brody School of Medicine and senior associate vice chancellor for medical affairs for the Division of Health Sciences
East Carolina University (ECU) has named a new dean for the Brody School of Medicine and senior associate vice chancellor for medical affairs for the Division of Health Sciences
By now you have heard the story. It plays out like a script. A “controversial” speaker—almost always a conservative or libertarian—is invited to a campus. Protests, and in some cases riots, ensue. The speech is canceled or the speaker shouted down. The free exchange of ideas gives way to authoritari
By now you have heard the story. It plays out like a script. A “controversial” speaker—almost always a conservative or libertarian—is invited to a campus. Protests, and in some cases riots, ensue. The speech is canceled or the speaker shouted down. The free exchange of ideas gives way to authoritari
Several years ago, the University of Colorado Boulder did something pioneering in American higher education.
A few years ago, I went back to school. I was in my 60s and nearing retirement as president of the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy
A few years ago, I went back to school. I was in my 60s and nearing retirement as president of the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy
Lately, tenure has come under heavy criticism, particularly from conservatives who maintain that it protects incompetent, ignorant, or indifferent teachers to the detriment of students
Lately, tenure has come under heavy criticism, particularly from conservatives who maintain that it protects incompetent, ignorant, or indifferent teachers to the detriment of students
When Columbia University's Multicultural Affairs Advisory Board complained a few weeks ago that "many texts in the Western canon [contain] triggering and offensive material that marginalizes student identities," I thought of China, whose education minister vowed to ban...
When Columbia University's Multicultural Affairs Advisory Board complained a few weeks ago that "many texts in the Western canon [contain] triggering and offensive material that marginalizes student identities," I thought of China, whose education minister vowed to ban...
My dozen years on the faculty and staff at a small liberal arts college followed a three-decade career in the chemical industry. One of the most surprising things I learned when I began teaching is how little presence the faculty has on campus for large portions of the year.
My dozen years on the faculty and staff at a small liberal arts college followed a three-decade career in the chemical industry. One of the most surprising things I learned when I began teaching is how little presence the faculty has on campus for large portions of the year.
American labor unions are in serious decline and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has become nothing more than a legal enforcer for panicked union bosses.
American labor unions are in serious decline and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has become nothing more than a legal enforcer for panicked union bosses.
In my 35 years of teaching in the Marquette University philosophy department, there were always some faculty (including the present chair) who were quite public about having "partners."
In my 35 years of teaching in the Marquette University philosophy department, there were always some faculty (including the present chair) who were quite public about having "partners."
Tenure—a contractual arrangement that grants job security to veteran faculty members—has been a feature of American higher education since the late 19th century.
Tenure—a contractual arrangement that grants job security to veteran faculty members—has been a feature of American higher education since the late 19th century.
Many American colleges and universities are in the thrall of “diversity,” but none more so than my institution, the University of Wisconsin.
Many American colleges and universities are in the thrall of “diversity,” but none more so than my institution, the University of Wisconsin.
Not so long ago, law school was a growth industry, with new schools being created and enrollments going ever higher.
Not so long ago, law school was a growth industry, with new schools being created and enrollments going ever higher.
We are all familiar with famous huge errors in economics, such as those of Karl Marx, errors that ultimately create vast human suffering.
We are all familiar with famous huge errors in economics, such as those of Karl Marx, errors that ultimately create vast human suffering.
A lot of dollars are riding on how many courses professors in the University of North Carolina system teach (or how many they are perceived to teach). Roughly half of the UNC budget consists of professors' salaries.
A lot of dollars are riding on how many courses professors in the University of North Carolina system teach (or how many they are perceived to teach). Roughly half of the UNC budget consists of professors' salaries.
Thankfully, much is being made of Heather Mac Donald's recent piece, "The Humanities and Us," in the City Journal. She illustrates the decline of college English departments, where "gender, sexuality, race, and class" have taken over Chaucer, Milton, and Shakespeare. The radicals of the...
Thankfully, much is being made of Heather Mac Donald's recent piece, "The Humanities and Us," in the City Journal. She illustrates the decline of college English departments, where "gender, sexuality, race, and class" have taken over Chaucer, Milton, and Shakespeare. The radicals of the...
A recent New York Times piece caught my eye, as it hit upon a topic - alas! - so close to my heart. I'm talking about the enormous glut of people who have earned their PhDs. but cannot find secure, decent-paying academic work.
A recent New York Times piece caught my eye, as it hit upon a topic - alas! - so close to my heart. I'm talking about the enormous glut of people who have earned their PhDs. but cannot find secure, decent-paying academic work.
The labor market for college professors has long been distorted. Tenure is a major factor; another is the presence of a massive labor supply glut, in the form of too many aspiring faculty members for too few full-time jobs. In some ways, the faculty labor market now resembles the market for...
The labor market for college professors has long been distorted. Tenure is a major factor; another is the presence of a massive labor supply glut, in the form of too many aspiring faculty members for too few full-time jobs. In some ways, the faculty labor market now resembles the market for...
Most professors accept the following statement, or something very nearly like it: tenure exists in order to protect academic freedom. Without tenure, so the story goes, scholars would be forced to choose between employment and the quest for truth; dogma would replace objectivity.
Most professors accept the following statement, or something very nearly like it: tenure exists in order to protect academic freedom. Without tenure, so the story goes, scholars would be forced to choose between employment and the quest for truth; dogma would replace objectivity.
What is it like to be a Swedish graduate student in the United States? Before being asked to write this article, I had hardly given the subject a single thought. I just assumed that it must be more or less the same as being an American student.
What is it like to be a Swedish graduate student in the United States? Before being asked to write this article, I had hardly given the subject a single thought. I just assumed that it must be more or less the same as being an American student.
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