Results found for weekend | Eastern North Carolina Now

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22 Results found for weekend

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Our office continues to monitor this week’s temperatures and the potential for winter precipitation over the weekend.
Our office continues to monitor this week’s temperatures and the potential for winter precipitation over the weekend.
This afternoon’s update continues to trend towards a strengthening storm system for our area Sunday and Monday.
This afternoon’s update continues to trend towards a strengthening storm system for our area Sunday and Monday.
This morning’s update continues to trend towards a strengthening storm system for our area Sunday and Monday.
This morning’s update continues to trend towards a strengthening storm system for our area Sunday and Monday.
Our office is currently monitoring the forecast of an approaching low-pressure system that is expected to bring rain, elevated winds, and localized flooding to many areas along Eastern NC Sunday and Monday.
Our office is currently monitoring the forecast of an approaching low-pressure system that is expected to bring rain, elevated winds, and localized flooding to many areas along Eastern NC Sunday and Monday.
As expected, the approaching tropical system continues to develop at a very fast pace. The morning’s update expanded the forecasted impacts into our state and once again increased our expected wind conditions.
As expected, the approaching tropical system continues to develop at a very fast pace. The morning’s update expanded the forecasted impacts into our state and once again increased our expected wind conditions.
This afternoon’s update included an increase is wind conditions Saturday morning, minor timing changes for other forecasted impacts as well as Tropical Storm and Storm Surge Warnings for Beaufort County.
This afternoon’s update included an increase is wind conditions Saturday morning, minor timing changes for other forecasted impacts as well as Tropical Storm and Storm Surge Warnings for Beaufort County.
The noon update from the National Weather Service has provided us with additional information regarding this weekend’s potential weather impacts.
The noon update from the National Weather Service has provided us with additional information regarding this weekend’s potential weather impacts.
With the fate of all mankind hanging in the balance, East Carolina University heads to The Big House for a Labor Day weekend contest of skill and science the likes of which few living have ever seen.
With the fate of all mankind hanging in the balance, East Carolina University heads to The Big House for a Labor Day weekend contest of skill and science the likes of which few living have ever seen.
The Hope Regala is this weekend at beautiful River Dunes in Oriental! We are looking forward to celebrating you, your generosity, and the lifesaving work being done at Hope Clinic.
The Hope Regala is this weekend at beautiful River Dunes in Oriental! We are looking forward to celebrating you, your generosity, and the lifesaving work being done at Hope Clinic.
Governor Roy Cooper is reminding North Carolinians and visitors to remain cautious and practice COVID-19 prevention measures over Labor Day Weekend.
Governor Roy Cooper is reminding North Carolinians and visitors to remain cautious and practice COVID-19 prevention measures over Labor Day Weekend.
Most of us have plans for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend, but I wonder how many of those plans include anything to do with the true meaning of the day.
Most of us have plans for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend, but I wonder how many of those plans include anything to do with the true meaning of the day.
New classes are now available on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Thomas Francisco and Connor Norby each drove in a pair of runs, while the Pirates pitching staff struck out 17 batters in No. 19 East Carolina's 7-4 win over William & Mary
Thomas Francisco and Connor Norby each drove in a pair of runs, while the Pirates pitching staff struck out 17 batters in No. 19 East Carolina's 7-4 win over William & Mary
Beaufort County Community College invites emergency personnel to its third annual Public Safety Weekend from March 2-4
Beaufort County Community College invites emergency personnel to its third annual Public Safety Weekend from March 2-4
Beaufort County Community College (BCCC) will be holding its first Public Safety Weekend from March 4- March 6, 2016. Fire, EMS and law enforcement personnel can take advantage of the classes to fulfill their annual training requirements locally.
Beaufort County Community College (BCCC) will be holding its first Public Safety Weekend from March 4- March 6, 2016. Fire, EMS and law enforcement personnel can take advantage of the classes to fulfill their annual training requirements locally.
She arrived as an unpaid intern at the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina, and now East Carolina University junior nursing student Aleigha Criego is having a hard time leaving.
She arrived as an unpaid intern at the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina, and now East Carolina University junior nursing student Aleigha Criego is having a hard time leaving.
Imagine someone has killed your loved one, and despite the court telling you that the killer's sentence is 12 years, you suddenly find out that the murderer is able to go home on weekends only nine years into the sentence.
Imagine someone has killed your loved one, and despite the court telling you that the killer's sentence is 12 years, you suddenly find out that the murderer is able to go home on weekends only nine years into the sentence.
After the North Carolina General Assembly enacted its tax-reform package last month, critics denied it would have a positive effect on the state's economy.
After the North Carolina General Assembly enacted its tax-reform package last month, critics denied it would have a positive effect on the state's economy.
This week’s “Bad Bill of the Week” is House Bill 188, Early Voting on Weekends.
This week’s “Bad Bill of the Week” is House Bill 188, Early Voting on Weekends.
Did you venture out to purchase school supplies for your aspiring young scholar during our state's tax-free weekend? Or, perhaps your child's school days have long passed and you simply wanted to acquire a new computer without incurring a sales tax.
Did you venture out to purchase school supplies for your aspiring young scholar during our state's tax-free weekend? Or, perhaps your child's school days have long passed and you simply wanted to acquire a new computer without incurring a sales tax.
List of upcoming events in July 2010 in Beaufort County, NC.


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