Sunday, September 27th, 2015 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Archived Results for Sunday, September 27th, 2015

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OK Just try to sit still and keep from singing along.
The term "stakeholders" is used in policy debates frequently. It sounds good and steeped in important involvement. It seems less detached and predatory than "interested parties." It's an accepted convention of speech.
The term "stakeholders" is used in policy debates frequently. It sounds good and steeped in important involvement. It seems less detached and predatory than "interested parties." It's an accepted convention of speech.
As the Vietnam series nears completion, I was looking for another Bobby Tony article to plagiarize and found this one.
As the Vietnam series nears completion, I was looking for another Bobby Tony article to plagiarize and found this one.
Goose Creek State Park Calendar of Events for October, November, December, 2015