Monday, August 8th, 2016 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Archived Results for Monday, August 8th, 2016

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Is the full picture of our labor market captured in the official unemployment rate?
Is the full picture of our labor market captured in the official unemployment rate?
The Office of Governor Pat McCrory announced the following appointments today
The Beaufort County Community College Foundation Board of Directors will get together for breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and meet at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2016.
The Beaufort County Community College Foundation Board of Directors will get together for breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and meet at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2016.
Recent studies reveal a disturbing trend in higher education: colleges, both private and public, are increasingly devoting a significant amount of time and money to public relations.
Recent studies reveal a disturbing trend in higher education: colleges, both private and public, are increasingly devoting a significant amount of time and money to public relations.
Dr. Richard Dalyai, a board certified cerebrovascular neurosurgeon, joined Vidant Neurosurgery, located at 2325 Stantonsburg Road, on Aug. 8.
Dr. Richard Dalyai, a board certified cerebrovascular neurosurgeon, joined Vidant Neurosurgery, located at 2325 Stantonsburg Road, on Aug. 8.
Dever issued an order on Thursday which included the mandate from the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that Wake County school board districts enacted by the General Assembly in 2013 and identical county commissioner districts enacted in 2015 were unconstitutional
Dever issued an order on Thursday which included the mandate from the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that Wake County school board districts enacted by the General Assembly in 2013 and identical county commissioner districts enacted in 2015 were unconstitutional
The following statement was issued today by Bob Stephens, General Counsel for Governor Pat McCrory
The following statement was issued today by Bob Stephens, General Counsel for Governor Pat McCrory
Amy Sasnett was sworn in as newest trustee on Beaufort County Community College's Board of Trustees.
While news media outlets search high and low for negative stories about GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, they've ignored an interesting factoid about the people whom they hope to call America's First Family, the Clintons
While news media outlets search high and low for negative stories about GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, they've ignored an interesting factoid about the people whom they hope to call America's First Family, the Clintons
Mrs. Jane Voliva Latane, age 64, a resident of Washington, NC died Friday August 5, 2016 at Rex Hospital of Raleigh.
Mrs. Jane Voliva Latane, age 64, a resident of Washington, NC died Friday August 5, 2016 at Rex Hospital of Raleigh.
Mrs. Frances Louise Bullock Foreman, age 74, a resident of 26057 US Hwy. 264 E. Pantego, NC died Thursday August 4, 2016 at her home.
Mrs. Frances Louise Bullock Foreman, age 74, a resident of 26057 US Hwy. 264 E. Pantego, NC died Thursday August 4, 2016 at her home.
East Carolina University's College of Education is recruiting 54 paid tutoring positions in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM
East Carolina University's College of Education is recruiting 54 paid tutoring positions in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM
I would feel better about the future if I knew what was going to happen.
I would feel better about the future if I knew what was going to happen.
On 7-29-2016, Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Drug Unit arrested, Daniel Salinas Lopez, 35 years of age, of 114 Walton Lane in Washington
On 7-29-2016, Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Drug Unit arrested, Daniel Salinas Lopez, 35 years of age, of 114 Walton Lane in Washington
Washington City Council Meeting Agenda for August 8, 2016
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
Governor Pat McCrory announced today that CSX will open a new intermodal terminal in Edgecombe County.
Vidant Medical Center (VMC) is one of 22 hospitals in the United States and Canada selected as a clinical site for the InVivo Therapeutics INSPIRE Study
Vidant Medical Center (VMC) is one of 22 hospitals in the United States and Canada selected as a clinical site for the InVivo Therapeutics INSPIRE Study


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