Remarks by President Trump Announcing Normalization of Relations Between Sudan and Israel | Eastern North Carolina Now

The State of Israel and the Republic of Sudan have agreed to make peace.

    So the deal was done, and it's a very dangerous situation, because Egypt is not going to be able to live that way. And they'll end up blowing up the dam. And I said it - and I say it loud and clear, "They'll blow up that dam." And they have to do something. So whatever you can do to get them, Ethiopia, to do that, they're going to have to. Okay? And we've cut off all payment and everything else to Ethiopia.

    It was terrible. We were all set to sign a deal. It was negotiated for five years and longer than that. And they couldn't make the deal, and I got the deal done. And then they're getting ready to sign the deal and they broke the deal, which is not good.

    So whatever you could do, Prime Minister, if you could, that would be great. Okay? You tell them they got to get it done. And I'm telling Egypt the same thing, by the way, you know, because they could have stopped it. They should have stopped it long before it was started. I said, "How do you let it get built? And then you say, 'They've - they have a dam.'" You know.

    But they had other things on their mind. That was at time when they were having a minor revolution, to put it mildly. That was a bad time for Egypt, so I guess they had other things on their mind. So you'll work on that, Sudan. And thank you very much.

    Q Yes, Mr. President.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: - or for Benjamin? Yes, please.

    Q Well, my question -

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Only - only for them, please.

    Q Well, more broadly then, for you, sir, and for the gentlemen on the phone: You referenced some other countries. Can you give us a sense of which countries those are? And you also said that the Palestinians want to do something.


    Q Can you give us an update on the status of those talks?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: No, I mean, they're both just statements that - we have many countries wanting to come in. We're doing them one by one. We did Sudan. They wanted to do a deal, and that was, in particular, nice, because they've essentially been at war with Israel for a long time. I don't know if it was fighting. I don't know that. But probably there's been a little bit, but certainly it's been - for many years, you've been officially at war with Sudan. And now it's - not only the deal was signed, but it's peace. So that's official and that's nice.

    Yeah, we have at least five that want to come in. And we'll have many more than that very soon.

    Q And when you say "want to come in," you mean sign a -


    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Want to come into the deal. In other words -

    Q A peace deal with Israel?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Yeah, part of the peace deal.

    Q And you said Saudi Arabia may be part of it?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: And you know what it's costing the United States? Nothing. Nothing. It's so nice. Isn't that nice? I say, "Nothing." Why should we be paying? We're settling - we're settling peace.

    It's like Kosovo and Serbia. You look at - you look at what's happened there: We were doing a trade deal, Bibi - two trade deals - and they were killing each other all the time for 25 years. Right? Much longer than that. I said, "Wait a minute, we're doing trade with each country. Why don't we just settle it up so you don't have to kill each other?" And they were so happy. You know, they were so happy. So we settled the deal.

    We do a lot of things that people don't know about, fellas.

    Any other questions?

    Q Can you just walk us through what normalized relations means? Like what now is possible between these two countries?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Yeah, sure. Bibi, do you want to do that? What "normalized relationship," what it - what it really means and what it means to you.

    Go ahead, Bibi.

    PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: Yeah, well, I'll give you an example. This is so - it's really mind-boggling. Okay? A few days ago, I went into a port in Haifa; there was a ship - a huge ship - containership that came in from the Emirates. Okay? Second containership; one - the first one was a week earlier. So these were the first containerships coming from the free trade area in - in Dubai, coming to Israel. They have - they had consumer goods there. They had actually washing machines. Okay? That's bringing down the price - the cost of living for the citizens of Israel right away. So it's - firstly, it's trade. Okay?

    Then Israelis could never fly east. I mean, we had to go around the Red Sea - really, around the Arabian Peninsula. It would take us hours to get anywhere, let alone to get into the Arabian Peninsula, because we didn't have any relations there. Now people are planning - they are now guide - tourism officers from Israel - all these tourism agents flocking to Abu Dhabi and Dubai and Bahrain. And they're now just loaded with requests from Israelis and, believe it or not, the other way around: Bahrainis and Emiratis who want to come to Israel.

    So you have tourism. You have trade, tourism, technology, entrepreneurs, everything. I mean, the same thing is going to happen with Sudan. We're going to have - you know, each of us has what it has to offer the other. It changes the lives of people.

    And exactly as you said, Mr. President: We're not engaging in bloodshed. We're not engaging in antagonism. We're engaging in cooperation for the present and the future. And it's not a distant vision. It's not a distant dream.

    I mean, we're actually seeing the fruits of peace right now, in these days - days after signing these agreements. I think it's - we've never seen anything like this. And I want to say - one thing that I do see is an enthusiasm from most countries in the world, for most people in the world - across the political divide. Yeah, Iran is unhappy. Hezbollah is unhappy. Hamas is unhappy. But most everybody else is very happy, and they should be, because peace is a good thing. It's a very good thing. So if you ask me, "What does it feel like?" It's amazing and it's fast.


    PRESIDENT TRUMP: They're also poor. Iran is poor. Hamas is poor. They're all poor. And they weren't poor three years ago. They were blowing everything up. They're very poor.

    Do you think Sleepy Joe could have made this deal, Bibi? Sleepy Joe. I think - do think he would had made this deal? Somehow, I don't think so.

    PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: Well, Mr. President, one thing I can tell you is we appreciate the help for peace from anyone in America. And we appreciate what you've done enormously.


    PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: We appreciate very much what you've done.


    Q Mr. President, can you follow up on the idea of what this means to Iran? The pressure -

    PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: Take a look at history. And this will be a great history in the books - history books. History registers who they'd want.


    PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: I think it does. It's going to be -

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Yeah - no, I think it's a ter- - it's a terrific thing. And it should be completed pretty soon.

    Say it?

    Q Yeah, I just wanted you to - if you could expand a little bit about what this means to Iran, the pressure that these deals are now placing on that regime?

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I think, ultimately, Iran maybe will become a member of this whole thing. It's - if you want to really know the truth.

    Look, in the end, you're going to have everybody together with the United States. And beyond the United States, you'll have other major powers involved, and with it - not have to be signed into it, because it's a region - but with it. And I could see Iran - look, someday I'd love to help Iran. I'd love to get Iran back on track. Their GDP went down 27 percent. They're - they've gone from a rich country to a poor country in a period of three years. And I'd love to get them back on track. They just can't have nuclear weapons. That's all. You know? Nuclear weapons, and it's always "death to Israel." That's all they shout is "death to Israel."

    So they can't have nuclear weapons, but they can have what they want. I mean, they should be a great nation. They're great people. I know so many Iranians. I have a lot of Iranian friends. It should be a great nation. And we want it to be a great nation, but we can't have nuclear weapons.


    And I could see Iran - ultimately, it sounds - right now, it doesn't sound like something that would happen, but I see it happening. Ultimately, they'll all be one unified family. It'll be an amazing thing. Probably has never happened in the Middle East, because the Middle East is known for conflict and fighting.

    Q May we ask the Prime Minister -
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