UPDATE: What is fair for Tom Brady is fair for Hillary Clinton | Eastern North Carolina Now

Updated post from original July post

    This is an update on a previous post


    Since I initially posted about this in Late July 2015, several things have changed. Tom Brady has taken his case to court and had his four game suspensions overturned. A review of the facts in the case indicates to me that he was possibly aware of the deflation of the balls and subsequent to the discovery; he took an active part in trying to cover up or at least distance himself from the controversy. I am told that additional court action and appeals will be upcoming.

    In that same time period it is clear to any casual observer that Hillary Clinton was aware and participated in the decision to set up a private server and then to delete (as well as scrub) the server of many thousands of emails. The process is still ongoing in the effort to find the facts of the situation and determine if any laws were broken.

    The premise of my original post is still valid in my mind, except in this case the judge and jury is the registered voter population. We will see what the results of that will be within the next year or so. I am aware that some other "online trolls" will immediately try to follow the logical fallacy that if Tom Brady punishment then why not Hillary. Well, that may very well be the result but I caution you to remember that the process is still ongoing and this is more than a football game.

    One other thing has emerged as well. Joe Biden is actively considering entering the campaign for POTUS. I have the utmost respect and fondness for Joe Biden. Even though I totally disagree with most of his political positions, I have to give him credit for being forthright and honest about his beliefs. I even enjoy his gaffs as they represent the liberal mindset of letting the emotion of a moment override the logic of the situation.

    I am also aware that this will continue to be an ongoing political drama and it may require additional post by me and others on the same subject. That is the nature of political discourse.

    "Comments on this post have been disabled because a reasoned and opposite view deserves its own forum. Feel free to write and submit a post. It will add to the debate without deteriorating into a slug fest".
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