Class of 2020 LPNs Graduate | Eastern North Carolina Now

Four graduates of Beaufort County Community College’s Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) program celebrated their final day of classes on July 14.

Press Release:

    Washington, N.C. — Four graduates of Beaufort County Community College's Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) program celebrated their final day of classes on July 14. Hayley Arnold, Lauran Benn, Hayley Crets, and Brook Geligoff graduated from the program.

The Class of 2020 practical nursing graduates: (Left to right) Brook Geligoff, Lauran Benn, Hayley Crets and Hayley Arnold.

    LPN professor Aino Jackson acknowledged that the usually challenging program presented even more obstacles for the students as they faced restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the pandemic posed complications to their education, the students who made it through the program will go on to become frontline workers, with some already working as nurse aides. The disease has hit the hardest in nursing homes and assisted living facilities which often employ LPNs.

    "Students shared how the transition from a seated classroom to the online environment was seamless," said Jackson. "Students attended Blackboard Collaborate Ultra synchronized class sessions and commented how they liked having access to faculty within this platform. They felt connected in a 'disconnected' environment. These students adjusted to a complete change in the learning environment and recognize their need to be safe, competent frontline workers. They will do well in their area of service chosen."

    The same classroom routine was followed in the online environment. Meetings were scheduled before and after class to allow for student questions. Faculty student conference sessions were scheduled in Collaborate Ultra to have personal contact with faculty. Due to the high risk to patients at residential facilities, students carried out virtual case studies.

    The program also welcomed Denise Wilcox aboard this March as the newest practical nursing professor. Wilcox started with the program only a week before instruction transitioned to online. She joined Aino Jackson and Denise King.

    Course work for the LPN program includes the domains of healthcare, nursing practice, and the holistic individual. It emphasizes safe, individualized nursing care and participation in the interdisciplinary team while employing evidence-based practice, quality improvement and informatics. Students have to develop nursing narratives, concept maps and complete clinicals at local healthcare facilities.

    The graduates must pass the NCLEX-PN before starting employment at physicians' offices; clinics; hospitals; or rehabilitation, long-term care or home health facilities.

    These graduates are entering the workforce when the importance of the profession is more visible to the public than before, and their ability to safely and competently carry out their work can play a major role in bringing the pandemic under control.

    For more information about the LPN program, contact Ashley Rose at 252-940-6221 or

  • Attila Nemecz
  • Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator
  • Beaufort County Community College
  • 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East
  • Washington, N.C. 27889
  • Ph: 252-940-6387
  • Cell: 252-940-8672

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