BCCC Library Turns Community Voices Focus To Coping With COVID | Eastern North Carolina Now

To address the emotional and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Beaufort County Community College Library will host a “Coping with COVID” mindfulness series for its Community Voices series.

Press Release:

    To address the emotional and psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Beaufort County Community College Library will host a "Coping with COVID" mindfulness series for its Community Voices series. As the pandemic in the United States shows no end in sight and infection rates spike, parallel crises around addiction and mental health are also emerging. The series will feature speakers who will discuss ayurvedic medicine, yoga, drug and alcohol addiction, testing and vaccines, and myths about COVID-19. The series was made possible by the Vidant Health Community Benefit Grant.

    The first presentation in the series on December 15 at 11:00 a.m. will feature Dr. George Nemecz, a certified Ayurvedic practitioner and the former course director of herbal and alternative medicine program at the Campbell University School of Pharmacy. Nemecz will discuss how to cope mentally and physically from an ayurvedic perspective and COVID-19 in the context of other pandemics.

    Ayurveda is a life science which originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. It is based on the idea that there is no separation between mind, body, and spirit, and the idea that symptoms are messengers inviting us to explore underlying problems and return to balance. Ayurvedic healing philosophy focuses on the well-being and happiness of the patient through the attainment of balance of bodily functions and lifestyle.

    Nemecz taught as a biochemistry professor at the Campbell University School of Pharmacy for 27 years and School of Osteopathic Medicine for eight years. He studied Ayurveda at the Ayurvedic Holistic Center in New York and in the Ayurvedic Institute Albuquerque, N.M. He studied under Dr. John Doulliard, author of the Body Mind Sport; and Dr. Yeshi Dunden, the former physician of the Dalai Lama. Nemecz completed an intensive Clinical Gurukula program in Pune, India under the mentorship of Dr. Vasant Lad. He is the co-author of the Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs (12th edition) herbal chapter, and he is also co-author of the Nursing Herbal Medicine Handbook.

    Other sessions in the series include:

  • January: Myth-Busting-Answers to your COVID Questions
  • February: You and Yoga-Simple Moves at Home
  • March: The Dangers of Self-Medicating (Alcohol and drugs)
  • April: Avenging Addiction
  • May: Beyond COVID, What Comes Next?

    Participants should register for these online Zoom presentations be emailing library@beaufortccc.edu.

  • Attila Nemecz
  • Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator
  • Beaufort County Community College
  • 5337 U.S. Highway 264 East
  • Washington, N.C. 27889
  • Ph: 252-940-6387
  • Cell: 252-940-8672
  • attila.nemecz@beaufortccc.edu

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