German family murder-suicide over vaccine passports | Eastern North Carolina Now

authoritarian gov't measures taking a toll


The authoritarian government push for "vaccine passports" and the punishments for failing to comply led to a family murder-suicide in the state of Brandenburg, Germany.  The reason was explained in the suicide note of the husband / father.

The father who refused the vaccine had already lost his job as a teacher.  To safeguard the mother's job, he helped her obtain a forged vaccination certificate.  When her employer discovered it was forged, they reminded her that they were required to report that to the government.  The family feared that under the draconian German law on fake vaccine passports, both parents would be jailed and the three daughters taken by Social Services. To prevent that, the father shot his wife and daughters and then himself.

The German government has their blood on its hands.  This tragedy was caused entirely by tyrannical government.

How long will it be until they are back to the days of "Seig Heil!"?

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