Resolution Supporting Public Education's Re-commitment to Become a True Benefit to the Productive Community that Serves this Constitutional Republic | Eastern North Carolina Now

On Monday, January 9, 2023, Beaufort Commissioner Stan Deatherage, at the behest of his many constituents, will present to the Beaufort County Commissioner a resolution calling for their support of a beneficial education for a productive citizenry.

    On Monday, January 9, 2023, Beaufort Commissioner Stan Deatherage, at the behest of his many constituents, will present to the Beaufort County Commissioner a resolution calling for their support of a beneficial education for a productive citizenry.

    Currently, it has come to the sudden attention of a vast number of the productive members of our society that far too many of our younger citizens, educated at all levels of instructive institutions, do not attain the proper measure of competency to qualify for threshold employment; the basis to become employable as productive members of our national workforce.

    Correctively, at this new low in the American experience, with education of our People so lacking at so many levels, this is no time, or in places funded so dearly by taxpayers, to practice faddish and inconsequential social experiments to misinform and indoctrinate rather than educate.

Resolution Supporting Public Education's Re-commitment to Become a True Benefit to the Productive Community that Serves this Constitutional Republic

     Whereas, the Education Industry, in some certain sectors of our national fabric of instructional academies of intellectual advancement, rely far too often on faddish tools of political indoctrination rather than guide the essential intellectual absorption of our citizenry's potentially inquisitive minds, so that they might one day be productive members of society, and;

     Whereas, the political indoctrination of students through stylish, pseudo educational regimens of minute substance, such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI), has become the sophistic Left's primary tools to create human pawns of low intellect, thereby establishing the "fertile soil" of an intellectual compliance to remake this Constitutional Republic into one divided by ignorance, simply by shaping developing minds into functional fools, and;

     Whereas, the real intended purpose of America's funding of public education at all levels, where taxpayers are obligated by their governing representatives, is for our public to attain helpful, beneficial knowledge so that they might become a valuable resource and benefit to themselves, their families and their communities by functioning as productive members of a working society, and;

     Whereas, the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, with a long history - some terrible, but mostly one of exceptional grandeur, as if purposefully crafted by the hand of God so that we might remain His vessels for the greater good - to be his shephards to serve a purposeful part in aiding all of His subjects that live upon this fragile temporal plane of His good Earth, therefore;

     Let it be resolved, Beaufort County's Commissioners fully support the proposition that by our representation to our constituents, we are duty bound to advocate amongst our political peers to join our mission to demand that public education re-commit its total purpose to becoming a true benefit to the productive community that serves for the "sustainability" of this, our Constitutional Republic.

Written by Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage for passage on Monday, January 9, 2022.

Update: January 9, 2023

    This Resolution to support a more constructive approach to public education failed 2 to 3, with Commissioner Randy Walker joining Democratic Socialist Ed Booth and Center-left Chairman Frankie Waters to continue their abiding support for the failing components within America's Education Industry. Commissioners Langley and Rebholz were absent.

    Conservative Commissioners Hood Richardson and Stan Deatherage voted in favor of the resolution espousing that without significant change, the Education Industry in America will ultimately leave our Good People in a precarious position of lower intellect, and unable to compete and defend itself in a competitive World economy.

Considering what has happened to our Representative Republic since the corruptive orthodoxy that led to the tolerated abomination - The Russia Hoax - where felonies were perpetrated upon the American People by the creation of the Two Tiered Justice System, in the misnomer of "Social Justice:" Where do you stand on sustaining our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms in a society where injustice is chronically sanctioned by one political orthodoxy?
  I believe in a perfected society by employing a higher governmental authority to train the behavior of the public.
  The United States Constitution does not allow just a few freedoms, it guarantees ALL freedoms promised to Humankind by God.
  Just don't take away my Social Media.
421 total vote(s)     What's your Opinion?

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( January 10th, 2023 @ 8:15 am )
This is Developing into my well considered resolution regarding the Resolutions yet to be presented (in a continued state of refinement).

Country Girl (who made a previous friendly comment): Your comment is exactly my point, stated in multiple measures within my resolution, one that I have re-read again after my public admonishment by the county commissioners (two of them so-called "Republicans"), with decades of "experience" on this Center-left controlled board. Incredibly, these struggling "Republicans" have multiple "qualities" in common, most notably: Not one of has ever written a word for the record in the form of their resolve to make a definable difference.

Also, and this could be my litmus test going forward: If a Republican, real or self-imagined, cannot fathom what I write from deep within me, which is the way I write my well considered resolutions, they shall consult with me, at my convenience, prior to its presentation for them to gain a better understanding, and if admonishment is still all that is mindlessly offered, that commissioner will have be treated in a manner conducive to their incurious nature.

If it is their nature, as commissioners who have made little effort to present such similar resolve on any single issue, who would rather lavish public admonishment upon their far more knowledgeable, far more senior commissioners of a like political party that once stood for tangible ideals, I have this new plan of purpose on how to deal with their kind.

Going forward, it will be in the continued best interest of my representation to my constituents to show more wisdom in the handling of issues of abject sophistry in a more direct manner. I see that clearly now.

Truly, as politicians find it so easily to bring so little wisdom to a profession that means so much; instead offering political shell games as their first strategy in representing YOU, I must take a measured, but more direct approach to discovering what is ultimately true in this political discourse that is the core of what we do.
( January 10th, 2023 @ 7:31 am )
"will ultimately leave our Good People in a precarious position of lower intellect, and unable to compete and defend itself in a competitive World economy."
Will also make them easier to control.
( January 10th, 2023 @ 12:50 am )
This Resolution to support a more constructive approach to public education failed 2 to 3, with Commissioner Randy Walker joining Democratic Socialist Ed Booth and Center-left Chairman Frankie Waters to continue their abiding support for the failing components within America's Education Industry.

Conservative Commissioners Hood Richardson and Stan Deatherage voted in favor of the resolution espousing that without significant change, the Education Industry in America will ultimately leave our Good People in a precarious position of lower intellect, and unable to compete and defend itself in a competitive World economy.

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