Progressive Christianity leads to hell | Eastern North Carolina Now

By Jeff Larson, The Back Pew


By Jeff Larson, The Back Pew

“I am struck with how seemingly sweet Progressive Christianity sounds, but it’s only saccharine sweet. It’s appealing to the undiscerning, but it’s just a white-washed tomb full of dead men’s bones. So much of it is socialism with a religious veneer. Though it claims to be non-political and non-partisan, it’s a movement away from what the Bible teaches. It does nothing to transform the culture for righteousness’ sake. It only reflects the values of the culture, which God summarily rejects. It is, in fact, the same liberal theological mush that has been stunting the growth of, splitting, and destroying mainline churches for several decades. It is a compromised and counterfeit expression of faith that will keep people comfortable in their sins until they reach hell.”

                                                                               -Rev. Mark Creech

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Big Bob said:
( March 21st, 2023 @ 11:22 am )
Freedom of, and from, Religion is a real B*tch.
( March 20th, 2023 @ 12:36 pm )
Wonder which church will welcome all of us into heaven or will there still be one on every street corner?
( March 20th, 2023 @ 10:17 am )
Bobbie is obviously of the "social gospel" persuasion, an offshoot of "liberation theolgy", both of which are political ideologies, not religious doctrines. Social gospel only pretends to be religion.
Big Bob said:
( March 20th, 2023 @ 9:15 am )
I dont even recognize the version of Christianity you peddle.

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