new UN report calls for decriminalization of sex with minors | Eastern North Carolina Now

UN Commission on Human Rights supports pedophilia


A new report from the United Nations has called for decriminization of sex with children.  It contends that children of any age should be able to consent to sexual intercourse with anyone, including adults.  This is just the latest in the globalists siding with sexual perversion over normalcy, in this instance promoting pedophilia.

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Jann said:
( April 19th, 2023 @ 8:51 am )
ICJ stands for International Commission of Jurists which once you research you will see it definitely has connections with the United Nations.
( April 19th, 2023 @ 6:50 am )
The report was a joint work of several UN agencies, inlcluding the UN Commissioner on Human Rights. How in the world do these UN agencies think pedophilia is a human right? Very few UN reports get voted on by the UN General Assembly. Almost none. The UN functions more as a bureaucracy than a legislative body, and this is one of its more sinister bureaucratic products.
Big Bob said:
( April 18th, 2023 @ 10:29 pm )
The report was written by the ICJ, not the UN. That said, minors cannot consent to sex with an adult. Nowhere in the report does it suggest sex between children and adults is ok. That would be a crime and rightly so. Most states have a 3 year differential built into the law. We know you hate the UN, but like FOx, you have to read the report.
Jann said:
( April 18th, 2023 @ 8:07 pm )
Yes sorry to say it's true!
You can download the document from this link.

Go to Principle 16 on the link.
( April 18th, 2023 @ 4:37 pm )
I hope you are right Big Bob, and not just another "Whacked-Out-Right-Wing- Conspiracy-Theory" that, yet again, turns out to be painfully true.
Big Bob said:
( April 18th, 2023 @ 1:54 pm )
Absolutely none of this is true.
Bubba said:
( April 18th, 2023 @ 11:38 am )
This is just sick. It is time for the US to stop paying anything to the UN. I cannot see anything useful the UN does, but it does a lot of bad things.

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