Big Bob said:
( June 12th, 2023 @ 9:56 am )
Hey, I'm just want to express full support for our current gun laws. Everyone should exercise their second amendment rights. Don't you agree?
Your use of sarcasm to push your agenda does not make you any less of a soul mate of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao on gun control, Little Bobbie.
I am not in favor of gun control. Anyone, any time, should be able to pull his/her gun and do what ever it is one does when the guns come out. No permit. No training. No restrictions. That is our right.
"Nazi" is short for "National Socialist". The full name of this awful party was the National Socialist German Workers Party. The fascist doctrine of the corporate state and collectivism has much more in common with today's "progressives" than with today's right which focuses on reducing the powers of government. The Nazis banned the real parties of the German right of the Weimar Republic, which were the German Peoples Party and the German National Peoples Party, and in Bavaria, the Bavarian Peoples Party.
And Bobbie, you are on exactly the same political wavelength on gun control as Adolf Hitler. Hitler's 1938 Reich Gun Law is right down your street. |
And the right is far to comfortable with Nazi pigs. Which supports my contention that extremist on either side a re dangerous.
Communists and Nazis are equally evil. Stalin actually killed more people than Hitler, but both were horror stories. The only good communist is a dead communist. Progressives have way too much in common with the communists, and we need to avoid them getting anywhere close to power. The terem "progressive" was used by the communists to mean a comvination of outright communists plus their "fellow travellers", people who believed largely the same things but were not formally members of the party. Today's progressives are similar.
The only good Nazi, is a dead Nazi. Total and complete pigs. Everyone of them.
Lets consider a little real history. One of the most important positive outcomes of World War II was the end of the holocaust, which was horrific. But overall, World War II started as a defense of the sovereignty of Poland, before the worst part of the holocaust, the killings even really got going. And at the end of the war, the allies sold out the sovereignty of Poland to Stalin and the communists, who were as evil as the Nazis.
The United States got into World War II against Germany because Hitler declared war on us immediately after the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. |
My take away - Remember why they fought and died. To destroy the Nazi pigs who would slaughter Jews, homosexuals, non-whites, intellectuals and political opponents. The only good Nazi , is a dead Nazi. Never forget what nazi pigs did.
I have visited the D-Day beaches, the museums, and the cemeteries in France and it is something I would urge others to do. Actually being there where it all happened is an awe-inspiring experience.
It is also interesting to note that with all of the supreme effort our own forces put in to make this happen, we had unwitting help from an unusual source. This was one of the four or five instances in the war where Hitler overruled his generals with devastating results for his own side. The allies had worked out a plan to divide German forces by keeping them guessng where the invasion would take place and did so by creating a fake army under Patton giving appearances it would land at Calais down the coast from the D-Day beaches. German Field Marshall Erwin Rommell figured out that this was a ruse and the real invasion would be at Normandy. In a meeting between the key commanders and Hitler a few days before D-Day, Rommell laid out his reasoning for this and urged HItler to allow him to move German panzer reserves whtere they cuuld quickly be deployed at Normandy. Hitler insisted that the invasion would come at Calais because a fortune teller had told him that and refused to allow that redeployment. If Rommell had prevailed, the Allies would have had a much harder slog on D-Day than we did. |
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